Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 31

p h i l a m e d s o c  .o rg

Generally, the results must be sent to the patient no sooner than
seven days, nor later than 20 days, after the date the results were sent
to the ordering practitioner. Exceptions in this bill would include
routine obstetrical ultrasounds used to monitor the development
of a fetus, diagnostic imaging services performed on a patient who
is being treated on an inpatient basis, and diagnostic radiographs.

Campaign to Preserve
the Practice of Medicine

HB 1884 passed the House Health Committee in December
and is currently being considered by the House of Representatives.

Amendments to the Abortion Control Act
SB 3, introduced by Sen. Michele Brooks, would reduce the
maximum gestational age for legal abortions from 24 to 20 weeks.
As in current law, this limitation would not apply in situations
where an abortion is necessary to prevent the death or impairment
of a major bodily function of a woman. However, it provides no
exception for rape or incest.
SB 3 would also prohibit dilation and evacuation procedures
upon another individual when the gestational age of the unborn
child is less than 20 weeks unless certain conditions apply. The
conditions require two physicians to separately concur, in writing,
that based upon a medical examination of the pregnant woman
and the physicians' medical judgments, the abortion is necessary to
prevent either the death of the pregnant woman or the substantial
and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the
woman. A physician who violates this provision commits a felony
of the third degree.
SB 3 passed the Senate last February and the House of Representatives in December., Governor Wolf vetoed the bill on December 19.

Emergency Prescriptions
SB 542, introduced by Sen. Patrick Browne, would authorize
pharmacists to fill an emergency prescription for up to a 30-day
supply in situations where a prescription is not dispensed or sold in
a 72-hour supply, such as insulin. Under current law, pharmacists
are limited to emergency refills up to a 72-hour supply.
SB 542 passed the Senate in October and the House Health
Committee in December. It is currently before the House of

PDMP Querying Exemption
As discussed in the October Bills on the Hill, SB 728, introduced
by Sen. Gene Yaw, would exempt Schedule V epilepsy and seizure
disorder drugs from the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
(PDMP) querying requirements.
PAMED supported SB 728 and advocated for its passage. SB
728 passed the Senate in October and the House of Representatives
in December. It is currently before the Governor for approval. *

Why I AM
a PCMS member...
Joining Philadelphia County Medical Society as a firstyear medical student provided me with a perspective on
the practice of medicine that was difficult to convey in
the classroom. I was fortunate enough to be part of the
medical student section during a time when involvement
and representation of young physicians and students was
increasing sharply, and was motivated and energized by
participation. I will continue to be an active member of the
medical society as a resident and practicing physician for
the purposes of keeping up to date on public health and
medical education, advocating for patients and physicians,
but mostly for the purpose of surrounding myself with the
outstanding membership of the society. Spending time in
rooms of physicians who - despite completely different
backgrounds and practice patterns - take responsibility for
the future of American health care fulfills me and inspires
me to put forth new vigor and ingenuity to my everyday
practice. I'm incredibly grateful for the mentors and friends
I have at the society, and I look forward to continuing to
support one another as we move forward.

Join us at the Philadelphia County Medical
Society today by calling 215-563-5343, x 101
or join online at
Sincerely, Kinnari Patel, MD., PGY 2 - Urology Resident,
Department of Surgery, Penn Medicine

Winter 2018 : Philadelphia Medicine 31

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x

Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 1
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 2
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 3
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 4
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 5
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 6
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 7
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 8
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 9
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 10
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 11
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 12
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 13
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 14
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 15
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 16
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 17
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 18
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 19
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 20
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 21
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 22
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 23
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 24
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 25
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 26
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 27
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 28
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 29
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 30
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 31
Philadelphia Medicine Winter 2017-18x - 32