The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 19

Creative Health Services, and the Center for Mental Health
at Reading Hospital provide SAP liaisons to the schools and
the Council on Chemical Abuse allocates the funding for and
monitors the service delivery of these providers.
So how are SAP liaisons adapting their practices to engage
students during this pandemic? First, the liaisons are helping
faculty and staff to identify students who might be struggling.
Georgeanne Zvodar, SAP Liaison for Creative Health Services,
shared, " I am hearing SAP teams say that their staff's ability
to know whether students are struggling and in need of SAP
supports is thwarted by virtual connection. " Because the
typical indicators of concern aren't as easily identified in a
virtual world, creating an awareness of behaviors that might
signal a student is struggling, like a student who experiences
repeated or ongoing technical issues or always has their camera
off, helps teachers and faculty make appropriate referrals to
their SAP teams for further investigation into the issue.
Second, liaisons are trying to engage parents in as many ways
as possible. Caron Treatment Centers' SAP liaisons are hosting
virtual open houses or informational sessions during day and
evening hours to review available school and community
resources. Caron also recently launched a free digital learning
course, " Prevention Resources and Education for Parents, "
which can be accessed at
Reminding parents that they can make a referral to the SAP
team if they are concerned about their child is especially
important right now. Most schools have a section on their
website that talks about how to make a referral to SAP, but
parents can also contact their child's school counselor who can
assist them in making the referral as well.
Finally, SAP liaisons are creatively exploring ways to engage
students via video conferencing. Developing short, animated
videos to use during psycho-educational groups or classroom
prevention lessons helps to keep the attention of students.
Pre-recorded messages that can be shared with students by
their classroom teachers through a URL with a quick stress
management strategy keeps social-emotional learning on
the radar. And when connecting with students individually,
helping them find a confidential location in their home so
they can openly share is the first thing discussed during an
assessment. Creating " safe words " students can use if they feel
like the environment is no longer confidential are also part
of the initial conversation. Additionally, using earbuds and
keeping the camera on are highly encouraged for establishing
a meaningful engagement.

The pandemic has been a challenge for all of us, but technology
opened doors that allow us to connect with students and families
in ways we never did previously. SAP liaisons enhanced their
technical skills since March so they can effectively help young
people overcome any barriers to their academic success they
might be experiencing. If we use these tools with creativity and
innovation, we have an opportunity to truly engage students and
families during a time when social distance keeps us physically


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Pioneers in addiction and
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The Response Winter 2020-2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Response Winter 2020-2021

The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 1
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 2
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 3
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 4
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 5
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