The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 30

friends and relatives, especially the deaths of both my father
first and then my mother. I have weathered the emotional pain
of a divorce, lived thru unhealthy relationships and continue
to make amends after all of these years. I have had numerous
surgeries, none serious but I ain't a young man any more !!!!!
On the positive side of the ledger, I am the luckiest man on this
earth because I found my best friend, my soulmate, the love
of my wife of 12 years. We have a home, a life of
positive reinforcement and we love each other's company, 24/7
!!!!!!! I have been fortunate to have sustained 2 ½ recessions
and have maintained steady employment within the company
that bears my name for 27 years. And it continues to grow and
Since March of this year, 2020, all of our world as we know
it has been forever changed with the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic, COVID-19. With no meetings to go to, no
organized recovery events or programs to occupy our time,
we must rely on communicating with our network of friends
and acquaintances in our choice of program (s) of recovery.

We are taught to get phone numbers !!!!!!!!! Now we have cell
phones, social media, texting and still grabbing a cup of Joe
@ WAWA !!!!!!! We must reach out to each other !!! Do not
forget that someone extended a hand to you in your time of
need. Return that favor. Remember, an Alcoholic alone is in
bad company !!!!!!
This Christmas day will mark 37 years of sobriety for me
personally. I did it one day at a time. We all can get through
each day if we reach out to someone who reaches out to us.
WE ARE NOT ALONE !!!!!!!!!!
I think back to those days of fighting snowstorms to get my
booze and the jeopardy I put my life in to get drunk. Now
I will do anything to stay clean and sober with just as much
energy and determination as back then. But I don't have to do
it alone.... I have YOU !!!! When someone reaches out extend
the hand of help and compassion.
Lee O.

Drop Box
Protect Yourself & Your Family

Accepted Items


FREE disposal of unused,
unwanted or expired medication
Properly disposing of unused medications not only prevents
accidental and intentional misuse, but it also helps protect the
environment. The Berks County Medication Drop Box program
is free for county residents, and ID is not required.
All medication should be placed in the original containers and
packaging, with personal information blacked out. Below is a
list of items that will be accepted as well as a list of items not
collected through this initiative.

Prescription medications in standard
container or sealed bag with personal
information blacked out
Over-the-counter medications & vitamins
Drug samples
Pet medications
Liquid medications in plastic, leak
proof containers
Ointments, powders, inhalers or patch
form medications

Items NOT Accepted

Loose pills not in standard container
or bag
Bloody or infectious waste
Sunblock, lipstick, deodorant & skin
Hydrogen peroxide, cleaning agents
& aerosol cans
Medications from businesses

(610) 376-8669 I

2020 Med Drop Box Card - ENG.indd 6


11/30/20 4:11 PM

The Response Winter 2020-2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Response Winter 2020-2021

The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 1
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 2
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 3
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 4
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 5
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 6
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 7
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 8
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 9
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 10
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 11
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 12
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 13
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 14
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 15
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 16
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 17
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 18
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 19
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 20
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 21
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 22
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 23
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 24
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 25
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 26
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 27
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 28
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 29
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 30
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 31
The Response Winter 2020-2021 - 32