The Response - 21

Learn more about how to connect
to drug and alcohol resources
in Berks County:

"Someone once told me that when the fear of remaining
the same outweighs the fear of changing, you change.
The thought of continuing to live the life I had been living
was finally enough for me to put my hands in the air and
admit I needed help and couldn't do this alone. I walked into
TASC ten years ago and was sent to inpatient treatment,
moved to transitional housing, moved to a sober living
house, and finally into the home I've lived in for the past
seven years. Had I not followed that particular path I have
no idea where I would be today. I am eternally grateful
for all of the opportunities afforded to someone looking for
help in Berks County." - Anonymous Person in Recovery

Addiction Hurts...


	 In spite of the current opioid epidemic the residents of Berks
County are fortunate that there are a number of resources available
for all phases of recovery. Long-term recovery is possible and it is a fact
that people get clean/sober and remain so for the rest of their lives.
There are over 30,000 individuals in active recovery in Berks County
with more joining them every day.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Response

No label
The Response - No label
The Response - 2
The Response - 3
The Response - 4
The Response - 5
The Response - 6
The Response - 7
The Response - 8
The Response - 9
The Response - 10
The Response - 11
The Response - 12
The Response - 13
The Response - 14
The Response - 15
The Response - 16
The Response - 17
The Response - 18
The Response - 19
The Response - 20
The Response - 21
The Response - 22
The Response - 23
The Response - 24
The Response - 25
The Response - 26
The Response - 27
The Response - 28
The Response - 29
The Response - 30
The Response - 31
The Response - 32
The Response - 33
The Response - 34
The Response - 35
The Response - 36