619 CHERRY ST RKS Y STREET C WEST READING MURAL WALK WEST READING MURAL WALK About ten years ago, Dean Rohrbach approached me to help create a " Mural Corridor " on Kline Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. This cluster of six artworks in a one-block space brought together neighborhood residents with local artists. Cherry Street became a second location and grew into an extensive collection of over 30 artworks in three blocks. This notable public art collection is now named Dean's Way in memory of the man who had the vision and tenacity to create it. I hope you enjoy seeing our public art collection and learn more about it through this tour. visitwestreading.com/public-art for more information. Public art is important to a community. We like our public art to be serendipitously iscovered as residents and visitors wander around West Reading. Public art adds vitality and liveliness to our community, and best of all, public art is freely accessible. -DEAN ROHRBACH -MICHAEL L. MILLER, PUBLIC ART WORKSHOP COORDINATOR, WYOMISSING AREA HIGH SCHOOL DISTINCTIVE 09 CYCLE OF ENLIGHTENMENT KATIE TRAINER 2017 441 CHERRY ST 13 BARNES MURAL VARIOUS ARTISTS 2017 507 CHERRY ST A P P R E C I AT E 10 WR 1850 JESSICA AND THOMAS ALEXANDER 440 CHERRY STREET 14 KANDINSKY MOSAIC 15 TODAY IS A BRIGHT NIGHT ROVENSKY ALCIN 2018 616 CHERRY STREET COMMUNITY 11 HIDDEN FACES WYOMISSING AREA SCHOOL 504 CHERRY STREET DISTRICT SUMMER STEAM ACADEMY E ANDREW POCHAN 2016 517 CHERRY STREET SHARE 12 OVERCOMING ADVERSITY LAURA SCOTT STEIGER 507 CHERRY STREET 16 THE KNOWLEDGE OF ATHENA ALLISON SHANNON, PUBLIC ART WORKSHOP 524 CHERRY STREEThttp://www.visitwestreading.com/public-art