West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 11
Growing up in a family of five, Justin and Nick were born
about ten years apart - Justin, the oldest and Nick, the baby.
Despite sharing a stable home with loving parents, each of
them struggled in different ways. Justin, a 1996 Holy Name
grad, played football in high school but started down a path of
partying which only intensified when he got to Albright College.
While he could skate by in high school, in college his drug and
alcohol use became self-destructive - an escape from reality -
with many negative consequences, including dropping out after
two years. These patterns continued for the next two decades,
even as Justin pursued a career in clothing design in NYC for
close to ten years. He found himself back in Reading after his
time in NYC, but his troubles didn't end there.
By the time Nick went to high school, the family had moved to
Muhlenberg. Nick was a sports guy, playing baseball, basketball,
and football. But on the inside he was suffering from debilitating
anxiety, low self-esteem, and fear. Fear of what people thought
of him and of being inadequate. Frozen with these fears, Nick
rarely spoke; he was that quiet, easy-to-push-around kid. Prior
to graduating from Muhlenberg in 2007, something unthinkable
that Nick has rarely spoken about happened: he was sexually
assaulted by a teenage friend. His internal struggles spun out
and he considered suicide. He somehow found the strength to
go on while reaching hard for his faith, and attended Kutztown
University where he received a degree in sports management. His
interest in sports naturally led to a job at LA Fitness Wyomissing
during college, and Justin, back from NYC, joined him there in
2008. While Nick continued to grow his faith and his passion
for fitness, Justin tried, but often failed, to follow a healthy path.
Justin continued at LA Fitness through 2016, and also worked
at various local restaurants, but his employers were not pleased
as his legal troubles began to mount...2 DUI's, some time in
jail, 3 months in a halfway house, and an arrest after a fight.
One night in 2017, their mom asked Nick to check on Justin; she
was worried. Nick found Justin on his front porch, spiritually
empty, his problems looking him squarely in the face. With Nick's
encouragement, Justin started on the path to sobriety that night
and the two began to kick around ideas of what should come
next. By 2018, they agreed it was time to let go of fear and
use their life experiences to teach people to be fit and healthy
- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. With limited
means to actually open a business at that time, they decided to at
least talk about it; they started a podcast called Project: YOUnity
(now called the Younited Podcast), where they discussed their
past struggles and future goals. With faith, belief in themselves,
and help from the right friends at exactly the right times, the
dream became a reality and in October 2019, Younited Fit held
its first group fitness class. Here they are, one year later - fearless,
sober, and with even bigger dreams for the future.
Justin & Nick Long
So, what can you expect at a Younited Fit class? Well, first,
be prepared to get personal. You will circle up, and Nick and
Justin will share a message to start class: It All Starts With YOU!
You now belong to a fitness community that transcends all
boundaries: racial, ethnic, spiritual, and socioeconomic. Then
one of the brothers will offer a blessing, which surprised me
the first time I attended class; I'm not particularly religious,
but it was uplifting. Then students will be asked to state their
names (bonus if your name is Tina!) but the niceties stop here,
because now it's GRIND TIME! Certified instructors Nick,
Justin, and Esi will lead you on a grueling journey, pushing you
to give everything you got, and maybe even yelling a little...
Nick in particular does NOT like to be disappointed and he
is skilled in the delivery of tough love, with an emphasis on
the love part. On the weekend of 9/11, Nick thoughtfully
reminded us in our pain to think of someone who couldn't be
there to work out that day. Like I mentioned before, hearts
and souls will be on display from the beginning to the end,
when Nick and Justin will shout " VICTORY " to signal you
have made it through class. The first class is always free...so
LET'S GO! See you soon at the Olympian Ballroom!
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 1
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 2
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 3
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 4
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 5
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 6
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 7
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 8
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 9
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 10
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 11
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 12
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 13
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 14
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 15
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 16
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 17
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 18
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 19
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 20
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 21
West Reading Avenues Winter 2020-2021 - 22
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