Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 32
"Leadership Berks develops, supports,
"I have always been a people person," Toni
said. "I am eager to learn, collaborate and educates and connects leaders - for life,"
connect people, and I am passionate about Toni said. "We provide students, employers,
coaching and personal and professional and nonprofits amazing opportunities to
development. I especially love to witness the build authentic relationships and personal
growth, development and learning in others." and professional connections that are equally
critical among every sector."
Toni has been an active member of the
Building relationships and creating partGreater Reading Chamber of Commerce &
nerships is her passion, Toni said, and a way
Industry for 14 years, and for the past decade to give back to her community.
has been involved with working to advance
"I am personally and professionally dedicated
programming for women. She views her
seeing our community, particularly the
roles as a member of the W2W Council and
living within it, prosper educationally
director of Leadership Berks as connected.
and financially, and enjoy a good quality of
"Both Leadership Berks and W2W programs life," she said.
enrich the overall quality of life," Toni said.
While Toni works to connect people in the
"These programs are the premier resources
Greater Reading area, her husband, Brian,
for such development and connection for
is responsible for 23 different economic
both women and men in our community."
development programs in his role as Director
Her role as member of the Chamber
and W2W, Toni explained, enables her to
maintain important relationships with key
area employers who sponsor mid-senior level
employees in the Leadership Berks program.
sibilities she and her husband assume isn't
easy, Toni said, but has set an example for
their daughter, Morgan, 22, who will graduate this spring from Alvernia and begin
graduate studies in public administration at
Shippensburg University in the fall.
"We've found that juggling demanding
careers and community responsibilities
requires true partnership and passion for our
work," Toni said. "We are deeply dedicated to
our community, and have raised our daughter
with the same commitment to public and
community service and civic responsibility."
While Toni's time is divided among many
organizations and responsibilities, she holds
a special regard for W2W, which she said
accommodates and empowers women of
many different interests and backgrounds.
"W2W meets women where they are, and
of Site Development in the Pennsylvania
Department of Community and Economic takes them where they want to go," Toni said.
"The programming and sessions provide a
Development in Harrisburg.
broad menu in a holistic approach for women
Balancing time-consuming and sometimes in every walk of life - both professional and
stressful jobs with the community respon- non-professional." n
We Care
Every Day, In
Every Way.
Visiting Angels
Can Help...
Senior Care for Total Peace of Mind
Bathing Assistance
Dressing Assistance
Assistance with Walking
Medication Reminders
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Friendly Companionship
Flexible Hourly Care
Respite Care for Families
Each Visiting Angels agency is independently owned and operated.
32 Women2Women Spring 2017 ISSUE: 1704
ORG/PUB: Women 2 Women
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Women2Women - Spring 2017
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Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 2
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 3
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