Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 44


By Susan Shelly, Hoffmann Publishing


he last days of winter handed us a rocky
ride, but spring has sprung and there is
much to look forward to.

ready to pick. If you're lucky, the same stand
might have some fresh eggs for sale. If so,
pick up a dozen or two.

Days are getting longer and warmer; we've
(hopefully) put away our heavy coats and
boots; area farms and orchards are sprouting
and growing; and spring vegetables, fresh
from the garden or farm stand, will soon
be readily available.

Celebrate the season with the abundance
of farm-fresh vegetables grown right in our
back yard. Below are some tips about early
spring vegetables, supplied to us by Weaver's
Orchard, Inc. in Robeson Township.

As you know, the Greater Reading area
is blessed with an abundance of farms,
orchards, greenhouses and garden plots,
many of them offering the freshest spring
vegetables you can find.
If you haven't already found some tender
spring spinach, young leaf lettuces, sugar
snap peas or the first spears of asparagus,
it won't be long until the markets and farm
stands are loaded with them.

Asparagus: Best from April until June. Look
for stalks that are straight with compact, dark
green tips. Avoid if the stalks look shriveled
or have spreading tips. Look for stalks of
equal thickness for uniform cooking times.
To store, cut about an inch off the bottom
of asparagus spears, submerge the ends in
water and refrigerate. Asparagus is free of fat,
saturated fat and sodium and low in calories.
It is also a good source of vitamins A and
C and folate.

So head on out and see what you find. spinach: Best from May until June and then
Stop at a little roadside stand for asparagus. again from September to October. Spinach
While you're there, be sure to ask how the should be fresh with tender, dark green leaves.
strawberries are coming and when they'll be Avoid if ends are wilted or yellowed.
44 Women2Women Spring 2017

To store,place in a plastic bag with a paper
towel and refrigerate up to 5 days. Spinach is
free of fat and saturated fat and low in calories.
It also contains high levels of vitamins A and
C, iron and dietary fiber and is a great source
of fiber, folate and magnesium.

green peas & snap peas: Best in the spring.
Green peas and snap peas should be crisp
with well-filled pods that are light to bright
green. Avoid if they are bulging, wrinkled,
or are white or yellow.
To store, refrigerate in an open plastic bag
for 3 to 5 days. Peas are free of fat and
sodium and a great source of vitamins A
and C, folate and dietary fiber.

spring onions: Best in the spring. Also called
scallions or green onions, spring onions are,
indeed, very young onions. They are milder
than those left to mature, and both the white
bulb and the green leaves can be eaten raw or
cooked or grilled. Look for firm, smooth bulbs
and bright green tops; avoid those with leaves
that are wilted. Trim the root from the bottom
of the onion and the tops of greens before using.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Women2Women - Spring 2017

Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 1
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 2
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 3
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 4
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 5
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 6
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 7
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 8
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 9
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 10
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 11
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 12
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 13
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 14
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 15
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 16
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 17
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 18
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 19
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 20
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 21
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 22
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 23
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 24
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 25
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 26
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 27
Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 28
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Women2Women - Spring 2017 - 30
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