York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 17

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As it turns out, resilience, as a learnable, fortifiable skill, is
consistently identified as a significant way to combat burnout
and rise above (and potentially thrive) in dynamic, challenging
situations. And fortunately, the American Psychological
Association further clarifies that resilience is ordinary, not
Psychologists suggest that resilience is not a personality
trait nor a characteristic. Rather, it is best conceptualized as an
exercisable skill. In their roadmap for adapting to life-changing
situations, they suggest building social connections, fostering
mental and physical health and wellness, avoiding negative outlets
such as alcohol and drugs, proactively finding purpose in helping
others and oneself, and embracing healthy thoughts in the form
of a broader perspective, hopeful outlook and learning from one's
past. Lastly, they suggest seeking help from a licensed mental
health professional who can assist in developing a strategy for
moving forward.
As we continue coping in 2020, I also encourage you to
actively negate the impact of social isolation. Reach out to
peers from medical school, residency and fellowship. Build new
relationships with leadership and staff and learn more about the

The Safe and Healthy
Communities Initiative

triumphs and struggles across other disciplines and specialties.
For more insight, please also read Medical Director Dr.
Raymond Truex's reflections on empathy. If you or someone you
know is in need of professional mental help, therapy or counseling,
please contact the PHP staff for assistance in finding options in
your area.
Sriharan A, Ratnapalan S, Tricco A, Lupea D, Ayala A, Pang
H, Lee D. (2020, July 13). Stress, burnout and depression in
women in health care during COVID-19 Pandemic: Rapid
Scoping Review. medRxiv 2020.07.13.20151183; doi: https://doi.
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports
new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should
not be used to guide clinical practice.
American Psychological Association. (2020, February 1). Building
your resilience. Retrieved from http://www.apa. org/topics/resilience

W I N T E R 2020/2021 | York County Medicine


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York County Medicine Winter 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of York County Medicine Winter 2020

York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 1
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 2
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 3
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 4
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 5
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 6
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 7
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 8
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 9
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 10
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 11
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 12
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 13
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 14
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 15
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 16
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 17
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 18
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 19
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 20
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 21
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 22
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 23
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 24
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 25
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 26
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 27
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York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 31
York County Medicine Winter 2020 - 32