At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 9


to change its operations as the situation requires.

At Herbein + Company,
Inc., of Reading, a focus
on creating a welcoming
and inclusive workplace
where team members can
experience career growth,
recognition, value, and
respect is key for business
success, according to David
W. Stonesifer, CPA, Herbein
Managing Partner.

"Changing how your business operates in the
contemporary environment is non-negotiable. Resilience
is all about how quickly you can adapt, respond to remain
relevant and minimize harm. It's critical to think about
positioning your business for recovery," Stonesifer said.

And support of team
members has the added
benefit of increasing the
quality of service to Herbein
clients, he explained.
"While our clients benefited from our commitment to
assisting them in adapting to the evolving pandemic - and
it was important to our success this year - in our almost
50 years of operation, the foundation of our growth is our
promise to support our team members with the resources,
benefits, and opportunities to grow their careers,"
Stonesifer said. "Without a doubt, their well-being and
satisfaction is vital to our success."
Although he has only been in his position as a managing
partner since October 2019, Stonesifer believes that
everyone in a leadership role during the recent business
and economic challenges is new to the changed tasks at
He said, "No veteran CEOs have all the answers to this
situation. We all need to show a genuine growth mentality
that authentically models how to embrace the newness of
this. I also learned very quickly that I had an important
strength: the ability to ask all the questions I wanted and
pursue answers that lead to innovative solutions."
Stonesifer adds that a firmwide innovation challenge
providing team members the ability to question
opportunities for change has uncovered options previously
undiscovered. Stonesifer measures his personal success
as a role model for future-forward thinking that will
maintain Herbein's growth.

"Once you have the vision for what we call the
"next normal" you will be able to communicate to
others how your business will function, grow and be
profitable post-recovery." - David W. Stonesifer, CPA
As Herbein continues to evolve, Stonesifer notes that
one constant remains: how his team shares the view
that working at the firm is about knowing contributions
matter and feeling fulfilled by what is done for clients, the
community, and each other.

Jim McCarthy, president
and CEO of McCarthy
Engineering, with locations
in Wyomissing and
Boyertown, believes his
company stood out as a top
growth business for adhering
to the philosophy of "spend
your clients' dollars as if they
were your own."
While that thinking may
not always bring his clients
the cheapest option, McCarthy
explains that understanding
short- and long-term goals to
create a strategic plan will ensure clients long-term success
down the road.
Continuing to provide the same service to clients during
the challenges of 2020 meant McCarthy team members
made significant adjustments to the way they did business,
but according to McCarthy, the group pulled together to
engineer success.And he stands firm on hiring only the
best team members to ensure success.
Continued on next page

Noting that his firm's ability to adapt to the changing
business environment in 2020 was a key for growth and
success, Stonesifer advises any business to hone its ability
Fall 2020 AT HOME IN BERKs



At Home in Berks Fall 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of At Home in Berks Fall 2020

At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 1
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 2
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 3
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 4
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 5
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 6
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 7
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 8
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 9
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 10
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 11
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 12
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 13
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 14
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 15
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 16
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 17
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 18
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 19
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 20
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 21
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 22
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 23
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 24
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 25
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 26
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 27
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 28
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 29
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 30
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 31
At Home in Berks Fall 2020 - 32