with key policy makers opens the door to greater acceptance of geosynthetic products and establishes strong communication channels between GMA and regulatory agencies. GMA is an organization that continues to evolve and grow. In 2019, GMA will be hosting multiple Lobby Days in Washington, D.C. These events are free to employees of member companies and give industry professionals the opportunity to lobby Congress for greater inclusion of geosynthetics language in infrastructure bills. GMA plans to visit multiple states to discuss how our members' products can save states money, increase the life of critical infrastructure and protect the environment. Lastly, GMA will prepare to host annual meetings beginning at IFAI's Geosynthetics Conference 2020: CASE STUDIES and look for new ways to engage its members and grow participation. The future looks bright for the geosynthetics industry, and GMA looks forward to working with the industry to continue its growth. G >> For more, search GMA at www.GeosyntheticsMagazine.com. GMA's executive council chair Fred Chuck (left) presents Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse with the GMA Leader of Year Award. THE EXPERTS IN EIA TECHNOLOGY XTRM PLY EIA Polymer High Strength Tear Resistant Textile XTRM PLY EIA Polymer MADE IN THE USA Available in 1, 2, 3-ply composites in EIA FOR ALL YOUR EPS GEOFOAM PROTECTION & PRIMARY/SECONDARY CONTAINMENT NEEDS ENGINEERED POLYMER TECHNOLOGIES | 908-558-0011 | WWW.EPTTECH.COM www.GeosyntheticsMagazine.com 47http://www.GeosyntheticsMagazine.com http://WWW.EPTTECH.COM http://www.GeosyntheticsMagazine.com