Geosynthetics 14 ON THE COVER Preparing to place a 65-cubic-yard (50 m3) geotextile bag container into 66 feet (20 m) of water at the Gatun Locks dividing wall AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020 Volume 38 Number 4 Features 14 Innovative geosynthetic solution saves 106-year-old Panama Canal structures By Tom Stephens and Nicolas Ruiz 20 CCR landfill final cover test pad-Part 1 By Nina J. Balsamo, John Massey-Norton, 20 John R. Klamut, Terry Queen, Charles F. Straley and Mark R. Lehner 28 PVC sheet piling for cutoff and containment barriers By Brendan Sheppard and Steve Hargrave 28 0820GS_cv2-13.indd 3 3 7/22/20 11:34 PM