PYRAMAT® 75 ... ONE SMALL STEP FOR EARTHKIND. The first High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat (HPTRM) to have independent third-party verification is also the smallest. Compared to erosion control alternatives per 1m2. 2.7 kg CO2e 32 kg CO2e 53 kg CO2e 60 kg CO2e *RIPRAP, Precast & Concrete numbers are cradle-to-gate (doesn't include transportation) and Pyramat 75 is cradle-to-grave (includes transportation). Concrete & Precast calculations based on 4 inch thickness and RIPRAP calculations based on 18 inch thickness. For more information, visit: PropexGlobal.Com/Pyramat INNOVATION TO BUILD ON ™http://www.PropexGlobal.Com/Pyramat