which uses the simplified Bishop methodology to calculate the wall safety factor. MSE WALL SIERRA SYSTEM 23 Km Since Honduras is a country with moderate seismic potential, both analysis situations were carried out using a horizontal seismic coefficient of 0.30 for dynamic analysis. In turn, the static analysis was performed. The geometry of the wall was designed using the ratio of width and height of the wall, L / H> 0.70, and this value can be lowered to a ratio of 0.6. The dimensions of width and height were 31 feet (9.50 m) and 44 feet (13.5 m), respectively. Figure 3 shows the designed cross section. Compacted fill 95% Modified Proctor Do not cut this natural guard Hd = Design height Lg = Ux geogrid length FIGURE 3 Cross section of the MSE wall Secondary Geomembrane ® Tank Wall REVOLUTIONARY CONDUCTIVE COMPOSITE FOR EFFICIENT LEAK LOCATION SURVEYS Primary Geomembrane GeoVolt® Electrical Leak Detection Layer USA 1.855.894.7436 | Canada 1.855.398.8575 | www.LayfieldGroup.com/GeoVolt GeosyntheticsMagazine.com 29http://www.LayfieldGroup.com/GeoVolt http://www.GeosyntheticsMagazine.com