to 50%) of KEE are blended with various PVC resins. This inconsistency between the different manufacturer specifications is problematic. Homogenizing the information and procedure is the main reason for developing a new standard EIA specification within the industry. EIA products typically provide good material flexibility and welding properties. Over the past several years, we have seen some material performance issues with certain EIA products in longer-term exposed applications. This includes premature UV degradation of the coating and cracking of coatings in and around folds and wrinkles. UV performance is often one of the more important requirements for EIA geomembranes. The draft specification recommends GRI GM 16 test method and 10,000 hours as a formulation test. In addition to the pass criteria of no cracks observed, we also want to test for tensile properties after 10,000 hours as part of pass/fail criteria. A criteria of 80% retained strength and elongation is specified. Several manufacturers appear to test for NSF 61 or have both an industrial EIA products typically provide good material flexibility and welding properties. Ultimate Deployment System Designed for safety and efficiency Supporting the need for high quality equipment for the geosynthetics installation industry worldwide. We are the leading manufacturer for seaming, testing, and deployment equipment, made in the USA and built to last. Visit for more product information. 41