Know what you will charge to repair hidden damage. Determine whether any sections are bolted to the floor. The L-shaped construction of a sofa seat and back combo on newer vessels with hydraulic hinge access to sections requires extra time for removal, installation and upholstering. Transporting projects to the boat To allow your team to focus on fabrication and installation (and to prevent your project from falling into the water or your team from getting lost along the way), have professionals transport salon and stateroom items whenever possible. * Use an experienced, insured and reliable transportation company. * Keep all transport insurance, license and vehicle information easily accessible to forward to a marina and ensure a timely entry. * Verify trucks are clean and free of anything that could soil or damage your project. * Make sure the transportation service asks for permission before moving anything that could be a liability. * Wrap all goods carefully for transport. Ask clients if they would like the wrappings left in place after installation. * Confirm that the transportation company and any subcontractors leave all areas clean. * If you do transport items yourself, make sure all components get into the vehicle. We once traveled more than an hour to a jobsite and then realized the cushion was back at our shop! Do a postmortem ASAP Our last piece of advice is to always do a postmortem review with your team immediately after the job is completed. Review what worked, what didn't work and what you should have done differently. This will keep things fresh in your mind and make these lessons easier to apply to the next project. Consider any unforeseen obstacles you might encounter on the job. Terri Madden (LegendTerri) and Alayna Wool (Ms. Alaynious) are a mother/daughter team who co-own Sand Sea & Air Interiors Inc. in sunny San Juan, Puerto Rico. For more information, visit: Search " project planning " | 39 0121MF_p32-CV4.indd 39 12/14/20 11:45 AM