CONTENTS BRIEFINGS 6 First Impressions Our uncontrolled experiment 8 Swatches A new canopy for an architecturally significant performing arts hall; COVID innovations; tent industry CARES day; wrapped race car; breakthroughs in advanced textiles; news, people, and new IFAI members. 18 Celebrating Craftsmanship Picturesque protection: tensile structures, 600-2,300 square meters. Winning entries of the 2019 International Achievement Awards. FOCUS 49 Advanced Textiles Novel fabric structures: New materials and compositions for fabrics support innovations. 52 Markets From classic to showy: Marine fabric and flooring trends, for 2020 and beyond. 56 Expo Unveiled Where the market experts gather: Open segment meetings WANT MORE? WE HAVE IT! RESOURCES 7 Calendar of Events 54 Marketplace Check out Specialty Fabrics Review online. 4 REVIEW AUGUST 2020 0820RV_p1-19.indd 4 7/21/20 4:37 PM