Annual Conference Preview * Managing Production Blasting Vibrations: A Machine Learning Based Prediction of PPV in Chilean Copper Mines * Manufacturing and Aging Effects on Pentolite Boosters * Maximizing Mining Recovery Through Advanced Blasting Techniques and Blast Movement Management * Mine Expansion Towards Blast Sensitive Areas * Mine Optimization Using Total Smart Mining Solution * Modernizing Operations: Leveraging GIS in Drilling, Blasting and Quarry Applications * Multiple Controls to Attenuate Damage in Final Pit Walls * Multivariate Scaling Approach for Laboratory Scaled Rock Blasting * Natural Cavities in Iron Ore Deposits in Brazilian Northern Region: Challenges and Strategies * New Controlled Drilling and Blasting Methodology to Preserve the Central Shaft in A Copper Mining Unit in Central Perú. * New Drawbell High Excavation Methodology for the Block Caving Mining Method * New Methodology for Providing Solutions for Dynamic Pressure Events in Detonators * NOx Detection based on Ensemble Machine Learning via Imagery Data * Optimization and Precision in Mining, The Simfrag Model * Optimization of Massive Blasting in Hard Rock at the Cerro Verde Mine * Optimization of the Drilling Ratio in the Method of Long Drills for Cost Reduction Operations. * Optimized Blasting Methods for TBM Launching Shaft Construction Beneath the Panama Canal: A Case Study * Optimizing Drill and Blast Parameters for Enhanced Fragmentation and Cost Efficiency in Open Pit Mines * Paper or Electronic Records - Ways to Improve Blast Documentation and Recordkeeping * Permitted Explosives Research Work in Australia * Review of Traditional Tricone Bit Drilling in Open-Pit Operations * Safeguarding Historic Underground World War II Structures from Surface Quarry Blasting - A Case Study * Seismic Study to Understand the Pre-Split Filter Capacity * Simple Technique for Selecting Explosives Based on Rock Properties * Slope Stability Through the Application of Low-Energy Explosives Technology * Study and Application of Channel-Type Non-Mechanical Stirring Emulsion Explosives Production Method * Success Case: Technical and Operational Assurance of Blasting Near Neighboring Mine Structures * Technology Application for Smart Blasting * The 8 Millisecond Rule is Dead - Or Is It.? * The Didcot Demolition * The Impact of the Explosive's Energy on Shovel Diggability in an Open Pit Gold Mine * The Improvement Fragmentation of the Hardest Jaspilite Lithology * The Thermal Basis for Explosive Decomposition with Heat due to External heating or reactive ground * Theory of Dynamic Confinement * Tunnel Construction Efficiency and Vibration Control using Electronic Initiation System: Focusing on the Contour Holes and Decking Mode * Update on Blasting Near a Crusher * Use of Visualization Tools for Drill and Blast Activities * Using a Low-Density Explosive and Setting Proper Blast Patterns to Prevent Sympathetic Detonation At Itabira Mine in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Region * Vertical Drop - The Challenge of Transporting Explosives Underground * Wall Control Blasting Practice * Why Airdecks Work - A Numerical Modeling Study Bulk Emulsion Manufacturing Unit FRANCE - Zac des Sorbiers - 2 rue Joseph Cugnot 41350 Vineuil +33 (0)2 54 42 90 30 I Bulk Emulsion Manufacturing Unit Mobile Explosives Manufacturing Unit Mobile Explosives Manufacturing Unit Mobile Explosives Manufacturing Unit Mobile Explosives Manufacturing Unit Bulk Emulsion Bulk Emulsion Manufacturing Unit Manufacturing Unit Bulk Emulsion Manufacturing Unit Mobile Explosives Manufacturing Unit 8 The Journal of Explosives Engineering November/December 2024 M A D E I R N F A N C E