Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 12

Brand Elements
Use these fonts only when the primary brand fonts (Termina, Trade Gothic Next and Baskerville)
and the designated Canva fonts (Cormorant Garamond and Gabriel Sans Condensed) are unavailable
or incompatible with the media. The below fonts should only be used for emails or internal
documents and never for any printed materials or packaging.
0123456789 ,.? " !$#&:;@()*
This font should only be used in place of Termina and/or
Trade Gothic Next when those fonts are not available
and/or compatible with a specific media format.
0123456789 ,.? " !$#&:;@()*
This font should only be used in place of Baskerville URW
when Baskerville URW is not available and/or compatible
with a specific media format.
J O R D AN V I N E YA RD & W I N E R Y | B R A ND S TA N D A R D S 12

Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024

Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - Cover1
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - Contents
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 3
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 4
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 5
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 6
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 7
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 8
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 9
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 10
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 11
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 12
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 13
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 14
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 15
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 16
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 17
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 18
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 19
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 20
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 21
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 22
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 23
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 24
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 25
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 26
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 27
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 28
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 29
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 30
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 31
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 32
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 33
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 34
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Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 38
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 39
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 40
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Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 42
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 43
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 44
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 45
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 46
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 47
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 48
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 49
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 50
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 51
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Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 53
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 54
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - Cover4