Brand Elements TEXT STYLE & FORMATTING Specific wording or numbers: ∙ Use bud break, not budbreak ∙ Use % with numerals and percent with spelled-out numbers (75% vs. four percent); Use percentage symbol with statistical copy or frequent use of numbers and use percent in prose that doesn't make extensive use of numbers. MLA information here. ∙ Variety refers to grape variety (chardonnay, cabernet, etc.); Varietal is an adjective and refers to the wine. It describes a wine that is made from a single or dominant grape variety. (Chardonnay varietal wine made from chardonnay variety grapes.) ∙ Terroir should always be italicized in print formats (magazine, etc.) ∙ Ampersand should be used for Jordan Vineyard & Winery (not " and " typed out) ∙ No " s " on " vineyard " in Jordan Vineyard & Winery ∙ Champagne should always be capitalized ∙ Places at the winery should be treated as proper nouns when used with the brand name, Jordan (Jordan Dining Room, Bacchus Courtyard, Jordan Estate vs. the estate or the dining room) ∙ " Wine Country " should be treated as a proper noun and should be capitalized (We hope you can visit us in Wine Country.) Specific layout or format: ∙ Phone number formatting: (707) 431-5250 ∙ No widows at end of paragraphs or orphans at beginning of paragraphs ∙ No end-of-line hyphens; push word to the next line ∙ Prepositions shouldn't be divided up at the end of a line break -so you should never have a line wrap with those on the end ∙ Always use typographer's quotes ∙ No periods after subheads ∙ Don't overuse italics (fine as a stylistic/design choice in some headlines, but remove from subheadings) ∙ No spaces before or after em dashes J O R D AN V I N E YA RD & W I N E R Y | B R A ND S TA N D A R D S 14