Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 50

Because Jordan was modeled after 18th century French chateaux, both interior and exterior design details are meant to honor that period.
Preferred French Styles:
∙ Louis XV: Also referred to as Rococo or Late Baroque; Mrs. Jordan
loved Louis XV style and many pieces she acquired for the Jordan
Chateau were made during this time.
∙ Louis XVI: Also referred to as Neoclassical; The presence of Louis XVI
pieces was expanded upon during the renovations from 2019 to 2023.
This is a design period that John Jordan gravitates toward.
∙ Louis XIII: Also referred to as Late Renaissance or Early Baroque;
Barley twist legs were a hallmark furniture design of the period,
and modern interpretations of barley twist style can be found
on the Suite 2 and 3 ottomans and the Suite 3 bed.
∙ Directoire: A transitional period after Louis XVI before Empire
and Second Empire
J O R D AN V I N E YA RD & W I N E R Y | B R A ND S TA N D A R D S 50

Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024

Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - Cover1
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - Contents
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 3
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 4
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 5
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 6
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 7
Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - 8
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Jordan Wine Country - Brand Standards 2023-2024 - Cover4