Brand Elements LOGO USAGE 1 " CLEAR SPACE To preserve the integrity of the Jordan logo, always maintain a minimum clear space around the logo. This clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements such as other logos, copy, photography or background patterns that may divert attention. The minimum clear space for the Jordan logo is defined as the height of the " r " in the wordmark. This minimum space should be maintained as the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size. MINIMUM SIZE The primary logo may not be reproduced any smaller than one inch wide. Exempt from this requirement is special branded merchandise, such as pens. LOGO ALIGNMENT When centering the logo, the " J " can throw the logo off balance. The logo should be optically centered rather than technically centered. J O R D AN V I N E YA RD & W I N E R Y | B R A ND S TA N D A R D S 6