Brand Elements COLOR PALETTE | PRINT Along with the primary brand colors, secondary brand colors and brand accent colors can be used. Secondary brand colors are used primarily as background colors to support the primary brand colors. The brand accent color should be used sparingly. PRIMARY COLORS WARM GRAY (PANTONE 412 U ) C57 M55 Y56 K26 R101 G82 B99 HEX #655C59 WARM BLACK C67 M62 Y64 K57 R55 G54 B51 HEX #373633 Warm Black is the recommended text color. WHITE C0 M0 Y0 K0 R255 G255 B255 HEX #FFFFFF SECONDARY COLORS WARM PASTEL GRAY C4 M4 Y6 K0 R241 G238 B233 HEX #F1EEE9 NEUTRAL PASTEL GRAY C7 M5 Y6 K0 R233 G233 B233 HEX #E9E9E9 ACCENT COLOR DARK GREEN (PANTONE 5555 U) C67 M38 Y53 K13 R91 G122 B113 HEX #5B7A71 J O R D AN V I N E YA RD & W I N E R Y | B R A ND S TA N D A R D S 7