AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page 1)

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91

Table of Contents
Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits
Planning for the multimedia church
Is Jesus the next killer app?
Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen?
IBC Awards for Innovation
SA doccie scoops Emmy

AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91

AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page Cover)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page IFC)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 3)
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AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 7)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 8)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 9)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 10)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 11)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 12)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 13)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 14)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 15)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 16)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 17)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 18)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 19)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 20)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 21)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 22)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 23)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 24)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 25)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 26)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 27)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 28)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 29)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 30)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 31)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 32)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 33)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 34)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 35)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 36)
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AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 40)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page IBC)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page BackCover)