AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page 13)

Warning : session_start : The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in /mnt/data/www.nxtbook.com/fx/config_1.3/global.php on line 9 Warning : session_start : Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent output started at /mnt/data/www.nxtbook.com/fx/config_1.3/global.php:9 in /mnt/data/www.nxtbook.com/fx/config_1.3/global.php on line 9 Warning : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by output started at /mnt/data/www.nxtbook.com/fx/config_1.3/global.php:9 in /mnt/data/www.nxtbook.com/fx/config_1.3/global.php on line 10 Cell phone usage in Africa is growing almost twice as fast as any other region and jumped from 63 million users two years ago to 152 million users in 2006. So far, only a tiny percentage of phones sold are 3G compliant and to date, only South Africa, Mauritius and Kenya have a 3G network infrastructure in place, but as handsets are upgraded, network operators are poised to capitalize on revenue-generating applications such as music downloads, games and mobile television. successful channels on the bouquet is the special TV news package that is updated several times a day by ETV, the South African free-to-air channel. Other channels such as Vodacom produced YEBO1 and YEBO2 offer very creative approaches towards short-format programming. “Ten Things”, one of the most innovative offerings on the YEBO1 channel was nominated for an award at the 2006 MIPCOM Mobile TV Screenings & Awards. 3G and DVB-H functionality Most recently, MTN, the second largest South African cell phone network, have entered the mobile television space with their live TV service on the Samsung P910. Although looking rather like Steven Spielberg’s ET, the clunky handset is the first combination 3G/DVB-H handset to be released in South Africa. Multichoice's Vermaas believes that this integration of 3G and DVB-H functionality is the future of mobile communications and asserts that DVB-H and 3G are complimentary technologies that need to be combined to allow both active and passive viewing behaviour. Ultimately, the relationship between broadcasters and cell phone network operators must be complimentary. “We believe there is room for a collaborative model”, she declares. This is confirmed from the cellular network operator’s perspective by Jennifer Marshall who states: “we don’t want to get into the game of TV production. We want to convey content intelligently. We prefer to share the reward and the risk with content producers.” One fact is certain about the new mobile TV phenomenon. The old belief in producing once for TV and then repurposing for other platforms is a myth. As Simon Guild, one of the most experienced executives in this emerging area of the television industry points out, “It’s not always making it once and repurposing it. There is only some content that will work on all platforms.” It now appears that convergence in the way it was understood is a myth; but the actual implementation of mobile television reveals increasing convergence between broadcasters, content producers, and network operators. 13 Warning : Unknown : The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in Unknown on line 0 Warning : Unknown : Failed to write session data files . Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct /var/lib/php/session in Unknown on line 0 http://www.pro-sales.co.za http://p-sales@iafrica.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91

Table of Contents
Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits
Planning for the multimedia church
Is Jesus the next killer app?
Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen?
IBC Awards for Innovation
SA doccie scoops Emmy

AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91

AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page Cover)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page IFC)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 3)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 4)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 5)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 6)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 7)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 8)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 9)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 10)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 11)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 12)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 13)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 14)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 15)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 16)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 17)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 18)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 19)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 20)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 21)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 22)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 23)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 24)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 25)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 26)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 27)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 28)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 29)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 30)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 31)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 32)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 33)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 34)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 35)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 36)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 37)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 38)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 39)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 40)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page IBC)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page BackCover)