AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page 8)

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Delivering the full range of Media 100 11.x features within the user-friendly Media 100 interface, Media 100 Producer and Producer Suite software-only editing solutions provide a complete mobile editing environment integrated with the legendary Boris compositing and effects creation tools. Cross compatibility with all version 11 systems ensures that workflows are fully optimized. Media 100 Producer and Producer Suite users can record via FireWire or Panasonic P2, assemble projects in the field, and then offload their projects to Media 100 HD Suite for HD up-conversion or faster processing of projects such as DVD creations. “Media 100 Producer and Producer Suite are ideal for editors who are in the field shooting on a Panasonic P2 camera and would like to begin editing immediately. Further, they can offload the media from their P2 device and continue shooting,” comments Rob Newman, product manager, Media 100. “Fully compatible with our entire version 11 product line, these new software only solutions are a tremendous value and time savings option for our customers,” During IBC, Autocue, the leading provider of newsroom automation and prompting solutions, introduced a transformation to the world of prompting with the introduction of network-based architecture. The company has taken a radical new approach to deliver this leap forwards in prompting versatility, reliability and usability. The QNxt system uses an IP architecture and comprises QMaster software on a PC, which communicates over an Ethernet link with a QBox unit co-located with the prompter. By providing a level of intelligence at the prompter a number of real world user benefits immediately open up. Prior to this innovation every prompting solution has relied on a single composite video source produced by a central PC leading to an inherent lack of flexibility and potential entire prompter system failure. Kieran Smith, Autocue CEO, explains, “The QNxt architecture is Autocue’s answer to longstanding customer demand for a versatile, robust and modern approach to prompting. By introducing a level of intelligence at the prompter, Autocue unleashes functionality in the field or studio previously only dreamed of.” OmniBus iTX transmission links with Omneon MediaGrid of storage technologies, said Jay Schwartzberg, vice president of OmniBus for iTX sales. With this flexibility, broadcasters can implement highly scalable solutions capable of meeting both their current and long-term technology needs. OmniBus Systems' iTX represents a revolutionary approach to software-based transmission and production using standard IT hardware and Windows Media technology. The software replicates all functions of master control to a very high level of sophistication, allowing small broadcasters to make a measured migration toward a next-generation software-based transmission facility. Rosco introduce new range of theatrical filters diffusers. The new range is different in two ways that are important to lighting designers. First, the colours are different from those in the existing ranges and second, the technology used to produce the filters is entirely different. E-Colour+ and other UK-produced filters are surface coated while the new Roscolux range is manufactured using a completely different deepdying process, making them more resistant to fading on hot stage lights. 8 Colour filter companies have introduced new colours over the years… but this is the first new range in 14 years! Movievision in Johannesburg are now able to offer almost 500 Rosco colours and During IBC OmniBus Systems announced that it had chosen to integrate its iTX software-based transmission system with the Omneon MediaGrid active storage system. iTX is designed to allow broadcasters to take advantage of our proven automation technology in combination with a wide variety Warning : Unknown : The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in Unknown on line 0 Warning : Unknown : Failed to write session data files . Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct /var/lib/php/session in Unknown on line 0

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91

Table of Contents
Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits
Planning for the multimedia church
Is Jesus the next killer app?
Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen?
IBC Awards for Innovation
SA doccie scoops Emmy

AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91

AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page Cover)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - (Page IFC)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 3)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 4)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 5)
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AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 7)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 8)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Table of Contents (Page 9)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 10)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 11)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 12)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 13)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 14)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 15)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Mobile TV set to challenge viewing habits (Page 16)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 17)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 18)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 19)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Planning for the multimedia church (Page 20)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 21)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 22)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 23)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Is Jesus the next killer app? (Page 24)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 25)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 26)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 27)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 28)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - Will sports on mobile TV compete with the big screen? (Page 29)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 30)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 31)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 32)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 33)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - IBC Awards for Innovation (Page 34)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 35)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 36)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 37)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 38)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 39)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page 40)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page IBC)
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Vol 91 - SA doccie scoops Emmy (Page BackCover)