AV Specialist - Africa Edition Volume 95 - (Page 2)
Product news Harris demonstrates integrated workflow at IBC At IBC, Harris will showcase cutting-edge solutions that enable broadcasters to profit from new, multi-channel services, seamlessly transition to high definition and more effectively project their on-air brand. For newsroom environments, IBC will mark the European introduction of NewsForce, a complete, file-based newsroom solution built on the advanced Nexio server architecture and featuring a new generation of Harris editors optimized for the fast cutting, voicing and airing of news. With servers, editors and Harris Inscriber graphics systems working directly on the Nexio storage area network, NewsForce provides a streamlined, MOS-enabled infrastructure for producing, processing, distributing and managing both SD and HD content. Sony introduce entry-level shoulder-mount HDV camcorder Sony is introducing an entry-level professional HDV camcorder with a shoulder-mount design, bringing the benefits of HD production to a wider range of users. The new HVR-HD1000U model is targeted toward wedding videographers, freelancers and educational video creators, offering them more versatility and more opportunities for generating business with a moderately priced camera. “Our professional HDV camcorders are designed to offer customers high-definition shooting capability, along with maximum revenue-generating opportunities at a modest investment,” said Jess Goedhals, general manager of Sony Broadcast in South Africa. “With its shoulder-mount design, this new camera brings affordable HD capabilities to a broader range of pro shooters.” ProHD systems from JVC embrace CCUs and OCPs on board. It is a 1U, rackmountable unit with HD/SD SDI and 26-pin inputs. In conjunction with the JVC GYHD251 camcorder (which has both genlock and live uncompressed HD/SD SDI digital output), the RMHP250DE creates an ideal studio set-up. The system can utilise either a standard multi-core 26 pin-cable or the JVC special multicore cable which carries within itself an extra SDI line. Its maximum approved cable run is 100m. JVC has also cooperated with other specialist manufacturers of longdistance outdoor control systems resulting in the RMLP25U also interfacing with controllers such as Telecast’s fibre-optical Copperhead. JVC products are distributed in South Africa by Inala Broadcast. 2 Management and recall of cue points Hi-Tech Systems have introduced Q-Tracker, an intuitive interface to a server, DDR or VTR for fast and easy storage, management and recall of cue points. Based on touch screen technology, the compilation of a list of events for subsequent review or replay can be carried out by technical or non-technical personnel, such as a presenters and commentators. Live video feeds are displayed on the Q-Tracker screen together with a userconfigurable graphical display with a number of ‘hot spots’ camera positions or other live incoming feeds – again configurable by the user. Familiar machine controls are used for operation such as cue, play, pause, re-cue and so on. The display shows a list of over 1,000 stored cue points, arranged as ‘different events’ shown as thumb nails, with relevant data such as source ID (such as camera position name), timecode, cue number and so on. A preview screen is provided for cue management. As in all Hi Tech controllers, sources can be ganged together to allow multicue point capture for one event – enabling replay of the same event from a number of different camera angles. First introduced in 2005, JVC’s progressive high definition product range, known as ProHD, has become synonymous with high quality and multi-format compatibility. JVC now further demonstrates its ProHD philosophy of affordability with flexibility with the introduction of a camera control unit (CCU) and remote operator control panel (OCP), making ProHD camcorders fully studio capable. The CCU, model RM-HP250DE, has everything
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AV Specialist - Africa Edition Volume 95
Bumper product news
Outsourcing broadcast facilities
Panasonic drives EcoFuel World Tour
it's broadcasting Jim...but not as we know it
Tapeless workflow: Not as scary as it seems
AV Specialist - Africa Edition Volume 95