Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 3

When the auto-tune
function is initiated
on the keypad, the
user enters typical
motor nameplate
Not every manufacturer does
auto-tuning the same but there
are probably some common
adjustments they all make. Now it
would be a mistake to assume that
the VFD is doing all of the work. The
person that performs the auto-tune
routine definitely does their part
too. When the Auto-tune function
is initiated on the keypad the drive
user needs to enter typical motor
nameplate information. There isn't
really a need to measure or calculate
the full load amps if the user can just
enter it.
Some specs like slip frequency
and leakage inductance are only
alluded to on the nameplate and are
best calculated by the drive. Once
the user enters the relevant motor
information, the user is prompted
by the drive to start the Auto-tuning
process, during which the drive runs
and tests the motor to calculate
motor specifications not readily
found on the nameplate.
Adjusted Parameters
After the Auto-tune completes, most
VFD makers will allow the user to
view a list of modified parameters so
it can be simple to do a " before and
after " check of that list to see what
was entered and what was measured
or calculated. Typically items that
are adjusted are:
* Line to Line Resistance
* Motor rated current
* Motor no-load current
* Motor rated slip
* Energy Savings Coefficient
* Leakage Inductance
* Saturation Compensation
* Motor Iron Loss
* Motor Rated Power
Entering FLA on the keypad
Some specs are
best calculated by
the drive during
Prompt to start Auto Tune process
Auto tune in process
Auto-tuning and Variable Frequency Drives | 3

Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives

Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 1
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 2
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 3
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 4
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 5
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 6
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 7
Auto-Tuning and Variable Frequency Drives - 8