* IEC 62061 - Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related control systems. * EN 50271 - Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases, or oxygen - Requirements and tests for apparatus using soſtware and/or digital technologies. * EN 50402 - Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible or toxic gases or vapours of oxygen - Requirements for the functional safety of gas detection systems. ONE-STOP-SHOP FOR YOUR EVALUATION NEEDS Preliminary Design Review and Gap Analysis CSA's assessors work with you to complete a preliminary review early in the development process to detect significant gaps and identify deficiencies that impact meeting the requirements of the applicable standard. Failure Mode Effect and Analysis (FMEA) Assessment and SIL Determination To determine the appropriate SIL, CSA's assessors identify and evaluate the effects of component failure modes, verifying the failure rate information and performing a hardware analysis. Assessment of Supporting Functional Safety Management This assessment helps you understand the requirements for: * Hardware and soſtware lifecycle processes * Organizational rules and procedures to maintain functional safety * Production, operational, service, and decommissioning management CANADIAN AUTOMATION VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 28