PAINT AND COATINGS MANUFACTURING: AEROSPACE PREP ARED FO R TAKEOFF As the aerospace industry rebounds it looks to coatings and film suppliers for sustainable solutions T o say the last few years have been turbulent for the aerospace industry, is a massive understatement. The pandemic caused the biggest and sharpest downturn for aerospace in its history. In 2020, 70 per cent of the world's commercial aircraft fleet was grounded at one time. The war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia has created even further challenges for the industry. And Canada's aerospace industry, which was struggling with labour issues pre-pandemic and required 50,000 workers over the next decade, lost over 30,000 jobs over the course of COVID-related lockdowns and restrictions, and its GDP decreased by $6.2 billion, according to the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC). May/June 2023 31