Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 7
Surviving Long Term Sequelae of Electrical
Shock Hazard Exposure
The electric shock hazard has been neglected. Journeyman
Electricians have accepted been shocked as part of the job, a " right " of
passage, a badge of honour.
This has not been acceptable and
Journeyman Electricians may not be aware of the long term sequela
health effects of receiving multiple low voltage electrical shocks and
how it may have impacted them. With respect to treatment there is only
a single formal recognized treatment centre in Canada, the St Johns
Rehab Centre. Electrical Injury Program .
When a worker is exposed to the electric shock hazard there are two
possible outcomes. A shock is received and the worker survives or they
die. Electrical incidents statistics confirm that fatal electrical injuries from
the shock hazard are occurring at an alarming rate, on average still once
a day in North America. What is not published in electrical incident
statistics reports is the number of electrical workers that may suffer from
the long term effects of receiving multiple low voltage (≤750V) shocks.
The medical term for this is " sequela. "
Sequela: " A sequela is a pathological condition resulting from a
disease, injury, therapy, or other trauma. Typically, a sequela is a chronic
condition that is a complication which follows a more acute condition. It
is different from, but is a consequence of, the first condition. "
We know what the immediate short term effects of receiving an
electric shock are, as I noted above you survive the electric shock or you
die. The table below lists the short term immediate effects of receiving
an electric shock.
The amount of current, the current flow path through the human body,
and length of time of current flows through the human body determines
heart fibrillation probability. Male and female body resistance will be
different and added muscle mass increases conductivity. Wet or dry skin
at the point of current entry will impact current flow. The number of times
an electric shock is received impacts the long term effects and possibly
If you are a Journeyman Electrician reading this article you may have
long term sequela from been shocked multiple times throughout your
career, at 120VAC, 208VAC, 240VAC, 277VAC, 347VAC, 480VAC or
600VAC. If you have some of the symptoms I list in this article you may
want to follow up with your family physician. The potential long term
sequela from receiving multiple low voltage electric shocks may be
psychological, neurologic or physical symptoms.
Listed below are some potential long term effects of receiving multiple
low voltage shocks:
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 1
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 2
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 3
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 4
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 5
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 6
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 7
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 8
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 9
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 10
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 11
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 12
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 13
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 14
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 15
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