Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 4

Mysa for Baseboards and Mysa for In-Floor require installation in
high/line voltage electrical systems. Our Canadian Electrical Code
expert, Bill (William) Burr, notes that, " In the Canadian Electrical Code
and in all jurisdictions, installing the Mysa is considered regulated
electrical work and would require an electrical permit to make this
alteration. "
In many jurisdictions, Burr noted, the permit must be obtained by an
electrician or electrical contractor. However, he clarifies that, " in some
jurisdictions, a homeowner is allowed to obtain a permit to do electrical
work on their own home. Where this is the case, the installation will
likely need to be inspected. Having said that, in some jurisdictions, if a
homeowner has demonstrated they are competent to do this work, the
permit may be waived. "
Ultimately, Burr said, " In each case, the local authority having
jurisdiction needs to be consulted for their procedures. "
One of the biggest challenges for Mysa was developing the product
at a reasonable price point, primarily given that one household may
require multiple thermostats.
" Traditional smart thermostat solutions were expensive because you
only needed one per home. We knew that wasn't going to be a model
that worked when you have a large number of thermostats in the home.
We knew we needed to lower the price by simplifying the device and
really relying on folks using their smartphone or tablet to control Mysa, "
said Green. " When you look at the design of our product, it's very sleek
and modern, but that's because we're really trying to make it simple and
lower the cost as much as possible. "
Another interesting challenge was navigating electrical certifications.
" It was a really eye-opening experience, and we learned a lot from it,
and ultimately it made the product better. " In terms of how the process
improved the product, Green said, " I think really it was refinement. We
started out with prototypes of the product, of course, and involved CSA
and UL and the testing bodies that they use fairly early-on in the design
process. Through various stages they helped us with understanding
where our product needed to be improved, those were the kinds of

Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue

Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 1
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 2
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 3
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 4
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 5
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 6
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 7
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 8
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 9
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 10
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 11
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 12
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 13
Electrical Industry Canada Electric Heating Issue - 14