Flare Disposal Program Cancellation -By John Gullick, Manager of Special Programs We have heard from Transport Canada's Boating Safety Contribution Program that our 2023-25 proposal for continued funding of the Safety and Flare Disposal Program has not been approved. While CIL Orion and we at CPS-ECP remain committed to the program, without the funding support from Transport Canada we have had to cancel the program. The result is all events that have been or are being planned for 2023 will no longer take place. It's our intention to re-apply for funding for the 2024 to 2026 seasons but, at this point, there is nothing to suggest that future funding requests will be approved. We sincerely thank CIL Orion for their support over the years. Without that support this program would never have been possible. ■ 42 CANADIAN YACHTING | JUNE 2023 Photo credit: NSBC