ARCHIVES FROM THE CANADIAN YACHTING archives T he Team at Canadian Yachting recently broke into the Archives and had a great time fl ipping through this issue from January, 1977. We are sharing the cover and some of our favourite ads for your amusement. Some things have stayed the same, some things have changed a lot! Covers used to be free of text and artistic! Skippers Plan Insurance still offers vessel insurance coverage in Canada, though the annual premiums for insurance these days look a little different! This full-page advertisement for Mercury's top-of-the-line Black Max engine is a great reminder of how far outboard technology has come in 45 years. We love the photo in this ad! Do you have an older back-issue of Canadian Yachting put away for safe keeping? Share some of your favourite ads, pics and articles with Editor, Andy Adams at 8 CANADIAN YACHTING | MAY 2022