................... Here is a brief gallery of some of the installations from Stainless Outfitters website (stainlessoutfitters.com). hold - a few hundred pounds of swimmers - not 500 or 600 pounds of davit and boat.. Add to that, some davits were improperly installed by boat owners. Stainless Outfitters now offers davits they know will install and function as they should. According to Stainless Outfitters website, their standard davit system fits most sailboats and is constructed of sizable 1.25 diameter highly polished stainless tube. This system is designed for a safe working load of 350 lbs and is sold complete with fasteners, blocks, tackle, carbine hooks and crossbar tube. The lifting system is a 4 to 1 purchase with 3/8 double braid. That means 10 Dinghie s & Davi t s to raise a 300-pound boat and motor, a force 75 pounds has to be exerted. That's 37.5 pounds (give or take) on each of the two lift lines. A six to 1 purchase (25 pounds of exertion on each lifting line) is also available at an extra cost. The Dinghy Davit is made from all North American stainless steel construction. It is easy to install and is ideal for inflatable and fiberglass dinghies with small outboard motors. A new product on the market comes from The Dinghy Davit, located in Sherbrooke, QC (facebook.com/Thedinghydavit). It is an extension to a swim platform that captures a personal watercraft by two flexible arms. I talked with François Goupil about how he came up with the concept. François purchased a boat 2 years ago and, as many SPRING 2020http://www.stainlessoutfitters.com http://www.facebook.com/Thedinghydavit