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ore than 800 days after his first day as a college
president, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary &
Graduate School celebrated the inauguration of
Dr. Thomas L. Kiedis on April 29, 2022.
Nearly every element of the memorable day was a testament
to an ongoing commitment to embrace the legacy and continue
the mission of LBC | Capital, reaching more students who will
make an impact for Jesus with their lives.
The two days of festivities included an all-college luncheon, a
concert at the Trust Performing Arts Center, alumni and friends
breakfast, and post-ceremony reception and lunch, culminating
in a meaningful service that highlighted college history as
well as God's faithfulness. Trustees, corporation members,
administration, faculty, staff, students, family and community
heard inspiring words sprinkled with humor from inaugural
keynote speaker Dr. Ed Stetzer, Executive Director of the Billy
Graham Center at Wheaton College. An investiture ceremony
with Dr. Kiedis, Board Vice Chair Michael W. Van Belle and
President Emeritus Dr. Peter W. Teague illustrated another
opportunity to recommit to the college's vision to be a
" a premier learning community that intentionally develops
the head, heart and hands of servant ministry leaders for
global impact. "
During his inaugural response, Dr. Kiedis reiterated his ongoing
commitment to continue the mission of Lancaster Bible College |
Capital Seminary & Graduate School.
" Recognizing the number of institutions that have drifted from
their Christian moorings, one of my chief tasks is to ensure our
ship stays on course, " he said. " That trust is one of my chief acts
of service in this presidential leadership role. Let's think for just
a moment about the very nature of leadership, which can be
summed up in two words: trustworthy service. "
Kiedis pointed to the Apostle Paul in his letters to the Corinthians,
where Paul, not once or twice but five times, said: " I'll tell
you what I am, I am a servant, " adding these words, " Now it is
required that those [servants] who have been given a trust must
prove faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2). "
" I am following five Presidents, " Kiedis continued,
" all of whom by God's grace have maintained a
steady focus for 90 years: 'To educate Christian
students to think and live a biblical worldview
and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the
Church and society.' They were faithful to that
mission. They were faithful to God. They were
faithful to their students. Faithful to their spouses.
Not perfect, but faithful. I want to continue that
legacy, to remain faithful to our mission. "
Past LBC presidents include Henry J. Heydt
(1933-1953), William J. Randolph (1954-1961),
Stuart E. Lease (1961-1979), Gilbert A. Peterson
(1979-1999) and Peter W. Teague (1999-2020).
Please read more of the inauguration story through
the photos and captions on the following pages.
Corporation member Robert Hayward Jr., President
and CEO of Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement
Community, prays with Dr. Kiedis.
Music Education major Amanda DeKok ('23) and
Riney C. Amerson, a longtime prayer partner and
Florida friend of Dr. Kiedis, sing " O Praise the Name "
along with the LBC Chorale and MBSSY worship team.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of lbc-echo-spring-2022
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