PW LADDER TRAY HORIZONTAL 90˚ ELBOW GL T HORIZONTAL 60˚ ELBOW GL T A A R D B 90˚R2 R W PRODUCT NUMBER RADIUS (IN.) SERIES1 (S1) WR2 6 9 9012 12 " 18 21 ABCDABCD 2020343423234040 2323373726264343 12 24 26 26 40 40 29 29 46 46 18 30 32 32 46 46 35 35 52 52 24 36 38 38 52 52 41 41 58 58 30 42 44 44 58 58 47 47 64 64 36 48 50 50 64 64 53 53 70 70 30 33 6 9 9024 24 " 3232585835356464 3535616138386767 12 36 38 38 64 64 41 41 70 70 18 42 44 44 70 70 47 47 76 76 24 48 50 50 76 76 53 53 82 82 30 54 56 56 82 82 59 59 88 88 36 60 62 62 88 88 65 65 94 94 42 45 6 9 9036 36 " 4444828247478888 4747858550509191 12 48 50 50 88 88 53 53 94 94 18 54 56 56 94 94 59 59 100 100 24 60 62 62 100 100 65 65 106 106 30 66 68 68 106 106 71 71 112 112 36 72 74 74 112 112 77 77 118 118 WIDTHS (W) INCHES 6 9 12 18 24 30 36 RAIL HEIGHTS (H) INCHES 45 67 RADIUS (R) INCHES 12 24 36 B.40 WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL 6036 36 " 6024 24 " 6012 12 " C SERIES2 (S2) PRODUCT NUMBER RADIUS (IN.) SERIES1 (S1) WR2 618 921 185 211 12 24 233 ABCDABCD 133 /8 /4 /4 24 36 341 30 42 393 36 48 441 630 29 315 933 12 36 341 18 42 393 24 48 441 30 54 493 36 60 547 393 642 /8 /8 /2 /8 /8 /8 /2 /4 /8 /8 /2 /4 /8 /8 /4 163 193 18 30 29 253 313 373 433 193 223 253 313 373 433 493 253 283 313 373 433 493 553 945 42 12 48 441 18 54 493 24 60 547 30 66 601 36 72 651 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 345 371 423 471 523 577 523 553 577 631 681 731 785 731 761 785 837 941 993 32 181 /8 /8 /8 /2 /4 /8 /4 /8 /8 /8 /4 /2 /8 /2 /8 /8 /8 211 241 271 301 331 301 331 361 391 421 451 421 451 481 89 511 541 571 /4 /8 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 231 20 255 283 331 385 437 331 32 361 383 437 491 541 593 437 44 461 491 541 591 643 697 /8 /8 /8 /2 /8 /8 /2 /8 /4 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /2 /8 /4 /2 /4 /8 163 193 223 283 343 403 49 463 223 253 283 343 403 463 523 283 313 343 403 463 523 583 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 431 461 513 561 613 667 613 643 721 773 825 873 821 851 873 927 981 /2 /4 /8 /2 /4 /8 /4 /8 /8 /8 /8 /4 /2 /8 /4 /8 /8 41 233 251 263 293 323 353 383 353 371 1033 1081 67 383 413 443 473 503 473 491 503 533 563 593 623 /8 /2 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 C SERIES2 (S2) S1 S2 S1 S2 B R2 60˚ D W SPLICES Match above to determine the connectors you need. SERIES1 (S1) Fitting side rails have 2 " tangents (flat portion beyond curvature) at the end of each fitting, to accommodate splice plates with four holes. SERIES2 (S2) Fitting side rails have 5 " tangents at the end of each fitting, to accommodate splice plates with eight holes. CONNECTORS/SPLICES - Necessary connectors and fasteners are supplied with each section per the below chart. Extra connectors for field cuts or unusual requirements must be ordered separately. Elbows, Reducers Tees, Wye Crosses 1 pair ea. 2 pairs ea. 3 pairs ea. METALLIC FITTINGShttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL