WIRE & CABLE HANGERS CPPB/CPSB CABLOPORT BRIDGE SERIES WITH FAS P OR CHANNEL SUPPORT * Designed as sleeper for HVAC units, cable pathways, roof walkways or other applications. * Two (2) bases bridged with 1-5/8 " galvanized channel (12 ga.) or FAS P. * Install on any roofing material or other flat surfaces. * Channel can be used to support wire mesh tray (secure with FS41 Spring Clips). * Maximum load 500 lbs. with Channel Support SUPPORT CPPB10-28 CPSB10-28 CPSB10-36 CPSB10-42 CPSB10-60 FAS P STRUT - Contact manufacturer for availability. CPSB10-28 HEIGHT INCHES 5.0 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 MM 125 140 140 140 140 SUPPORT LENGTH INCHES 28.0 28.0 36.0 42.0 60.0 MM 710 710 900 1050 1524 BASE LENGTH INCHES 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 MM 240 240 240 240 240 WEIGHT LBS 13.4 13.6 14.9 - - KG 6.1 6.2 6.8 - - 943 637 943 642 943 643 943 644 943 646 PG CPSA CABLOPORT VARI-ANGLE SERIES WITH CHANNEL SUPPORT * Designed to adapt to any roof pitch or uneven surface. * Install on any roofing material. * Easily adjusted onsite. * Leg adaptor will accommodate 1-5/8 " x 1-5/8 " channel framing. * U-shaped 1-7/8 " x 1-7/8 " leg adaptor pre-drilled with 9/16 " mounting holes is pre-mounted to base. * Maximum load 500 lbs. CPSA20PG SUPPORT BASE HEIGHT BASE WIDTH BASE LENGTH INCHES MM CPSA10 CPSA20 STRUT 5.6 5.6 140 140 INCHES 6.0 6.0 MM 150 150 Vertical 1 5/8 " x 1 5/8 " strut and horizontal crossbar not provided. INCHES 9.6 19.5 MM 240 500 WEIGHT LBS 8.0 13.3 KG 3.6 6.0 943 667 943 668 PG D.23 WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL CABLOPORThttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL