CABLOFIL CABLE MANAGEMENT Let us help you! CUSTOMER SERVICE * List pricing and availability * Order status * Expedite requests * Weights, dimensions, freight rates and proof of delivery's * Facilitate material returns * Order issues resolution * Loss/damage/incorrect material * Assistance with Contact info Phone: 844-957-3783 (Option 3 for Cablofil then Option 1 for Customer Service) PROJECT SERVICES Projects Based Take-offs Fully Engineered Custom Designs Tech Support Cross References Cable Fill Calculations Bonding Grounding Contact information Email: Phone: 844-957-3783 (Option 3 for Cablofil then Option 2 for Tech Support) CABLOFIL CHANNEL MARKETING We offer an array of services that may be accessed via the local Legrand sales representative. * Detailed inventory analysis for stocking distributors * Ascend program assistance * Distributors recommended stock lists * Cablofil sample request CABLOFIL PRICING Pricing is available to authorized distributors via the online portal. Quoted pricing for specific projects may be obtained by working with the local Legrand sales representative. WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL XIII CUSTOMER SERVICE http://WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL