WIREMOLD / PERIMETER SYSTEMS PLUGMOLD® NM2000 SERIES™ NM2000BC Base and Cover Ordering Information Plugmold NM2000 Series Ordering Information (continued) 1 " (25mm) NM2000B and NM2000C packed ten 5' (1.5m) lengths of each per carton. 1 3/4 " (44mm) NM2003 Supporting Clip 2 " (51mm) Supports lengths of raceway at any point desired. Mount to surface with No. 8 flathead screw. 1 3/4 " (44mm) NM2000B Raceway Base NM2006 Cover Clip Single channel plastic base, ivory finish. Packed ten 8' (2.4m) lengths per carton. 1 3/4 " (44mm) 1 1/2 " (38mm) Covers seam where lengths of cover or base meet. NM2000C Raceway Cover Tapered snap-on cover. Textured ivory finish. Packed ten 8' (2.4m) lengths per carton. 1 3/4 " (44mm) Pressure-Type Wire Connectors 1 5/16 " (33mm) NM2010A Entrance End Fitting 1 9/16 " (40mm) 3 13/16 " (97mm) 1 3/4 " (44mm) 1 1/2 " (38mm) 3 3/8 " W30/W30G - This part comes with both 16-W30 and 8-W30G. W30 - For common connection of two, three, or four No. 12 or No.14 solid copper conductors. W30G - For connection of equipment grounding of two, three, or four No.12 or No. 14 AWG solid conductors. 300V maximum; 20A 105° C maximum. NOTE: Not for use with aluminum conductors. NM2000WC Wire Clip Holds wire or cable in place or for use when conductors bypass receptacles. NM2011 Flat Elbow 1 7/8 " (48mm) Right angle turns on same surface. 3 3/16 " (81mm) 1 3/4 " (44mm) NM2010B Blank End Fitting 1 1/16 " (27mm) (86mm) 1 3/4 " (44mm) To end feed raceway or Plugmold strip. Has 1/2 " trade size KO on end and bottom. Closes off open end of NM2000 Series Raceway. 1 15/16 " (49mm) 2 11/16 " (68mm) WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD 449 PLUGMOLD INDEXhttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD