WIREMOLD / PERIMETER SYSTEMS ALA4800 SERIES RACEWAY Ordering Information 6 " (152mm) ALA4800 Series Aluminum Raceway's two-channel, dual-cover aluminum raceway meets the demands of laboratories, healthcare facilities and upscale office locations by providing an effective method of consolidating power and communications cabling. 6.04in2 (3895mm2) 6.04in2 (3895mm2) 2 1/4 " (57mm) Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078 " (1.99mm) Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004 " (0.004mm) ALAWC Wire Clip ALA17A Internal Corner Coupling Holds conductors in place along raceway. Snaps into grooves on base. Makes internal 90° turn in a raceway run. ALA01 Slide Coupling ALA4806 Cover Clip Connects adjoining sections of ALA4800 Series Raceway base. Includes two (2) couplings. ALA09 Grounding Adapter Connects to equipment grounding conductor. Covers seam where two sections of ALAC-5 Cover come together. ALA4810B Blank End Cap 2 1/4 " (57mm) Closes off open end of ALA4800 Series Raceway. WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD 627 PREWIRED RACEWAY INDEXhttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD