WIREMOLD / PERIMETER SYSTEMS WALLSOURCE™ SERVICE BOXES Wiremold® WallSource™ Multiple Service Boxes are six-gang boxes that can CODE REFERENCE accommodate multiple services including power and communications eliminating multiple drops and uneven wall faceplates. UL Listed Wireway, Auxiliary Gutters & Associated Fittings: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314 of NEC. WSA42-4 Box Installation Shown WallSource Box Installation Details 1. 2. 3. Installing WSA00-4 on WSA42-4 2. 1. 4. 5. 6. Installing WSA86 Backfeed Kit 1. A four-gang WallSource Box (WSA42-4) installed during construction can easily accommodates the wire and cabling required to feed a divided surface raceway system. 7. COLOR OPTIONS Wallsource Multiple Service Boxes and components are available in ivory, black, gray, light gray or white as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD 653 WALL BOXES INDEXhttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD