WIREMOLD / PERIMETER SYSTEMS CONVENTION CENTER WALL BOXES Convention Center Wall Boxes Ordering Information CCWB-PS-12G Flush Mounted Wall Box 15.00 Available with key locks for increased security and are designed for power, communication and A/V devices. 18.20 12 Gangs (6 Per Side) Accepts RFB119 Series or Standard Device Plates 5.75 16.55 11.55 3/4 " Trade Size KO 2X Both Sides 2 " Trade Size KO 2X Both Sides 1-1/2 " Trade Size KO 2X Both Sides NOTE: See CCBB Series for plate configuration information. 1-1/2 " Trade Size KO 2X Both Sides POWER CAPABILITIES MAXIMUM ELECTRIC RATINGS * 20/30/50/60/100 Amp Receptacles * 120A 480V 3 Phase * 120A 120/208V 3 Phase into Terminal Blocks * 100A, 277/480V 3 Phase for individually wired devices WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD 659 WALL BOXES INDEXhttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/WIREMOLD