Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 44

* NOTE: Don't let coffee and energy drinks fool
you. Caffeine might make you feel more alert, but it
doesn't counteract alcohol. In fact, some studies
indicate that caffeine mixed with alcohol may even
increase risky behaviors as well as side effects such
as heart palpitations.
Strategy #2 - Don't drive.
No doubt, staying home keeps you from having to
Start off with a no- or low-alcohol drink,
then alternate each alcoholic beverage
with an enjoyable non-alcoholic option.
imizing your alcohol intake and your blood alcohol
* Know your limits and stay safely within them.
The general guideline for how much to drink is generally
one drink per hour-one 12-ounce 5% ABV beer,
5 ounces of wine, or 1½ ounces of liquor. However,
other factors come in to play as well, including
metabolism, gender, weight, and age. Pro tip: Invest
in a good breathalyzer and remove all doubt as to
your limits!
* Eat beforehand, especially protein-rich foods.
Alcohol hits the system more quickly if there's no
food in the stomach, because it enters the intestines
and thence the blood stream more quickly. Better
yet, eating first might alleviate your " hunger " to
imbibe too quickly.
* Munch while you drink, too. Eating doesn't
negate the alcohol, though, so don't let it fool you!
On the other hand, if you're putting food into your
mouth, you're not drinking, and that may help you
feel satisfied faster.
* Sip, don't guzzle. Be a mindful drinker, enjoying
the taste rather than mindlessly pouring alcohol into
your system.
* Start off with a no- or low-alcohol drink, then
alternate each alcoholic beverage with an enjoyable
non-alcoholic option. Think kombucha, lime and
tonic, non-alcoholic beer, a mocktail or just plain
* Use a drink koozie if you want to discreetly
switch to a non-alcoholic beverage at a party.
* Avoid shots-they're way too potent.
* Stay engaged with activities: play games, dance,
chat. But ...
* Avoid drinking games.
drive, but that certainly takes the luster out of your
social life. If you're going out, to someone's home or
a public venue, you can take measures to stay safe.
* Choose wise transportation options. If you're
going to a party where chances are high that you'll
" enjoy yourself " just a little too much, take public
transportation or get a ride, thus eliminating the
temptation to drive home.
If public transportation isn't an option and you
can't get a ride to the party, hand over your keys to
the host or another responsible individual when you
* Have a designated driver. You can partner with
friends for rotating designated driver shifts for many
safe nights on the town. A few options in that realm:
The drinking friends can sweeten the pot for the
DD by paying for their evening expenses: cover
charge, food, a tank of gas, and non-alcoholic
If your group is going to a restaurant, bar or other
venue, let the DD decide the destination.
Connect with another designated driver or someone
else who isn't drinking so the DDs can " sober
chat. "
* NOTE: Sleep is not a magic bullet. Your body can
only metabolize a certain amount of alcohol each
hour-possibly even less when you're asleep. If you
drank heavily the night before, don't drive.
" When you've been drinking alcohol, the power to
drive sober and designate a driver is in your hands, "
says Tjepkes, " and we encourage everyone to drive
responsibly so you make it to your destinations
safely. "
Finally, be a friend.
Always remember:
* Don't let friends drive drunk.
* Respect underage drinking laws. Young bodies
and brains are still developing, and alcohol use can
cause long-term negative consequences. Young people
are also vulnerable to increased risk-taking,
which can be exacerbated by alcohol.
Cultivate habits that help you to be a careful and
moderate drinker. That way, you can continue to
enjoy this pleasure guilt-free for the rest of your life!

Iowa Spring-Summer 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Iowa Spring-Summer 2022

Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - Cover1
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - Cover2
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 3
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 4
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 5
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 6
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 7
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 8
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 9
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 10
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 11
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 12
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 13
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 14
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 15
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 16
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 17
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 18
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 19
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 20
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 21
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 22
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 23
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 24
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 25
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 26
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 27
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 28
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 29
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 30
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 31
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 32
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 33
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 34
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 35
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 36
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 37
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 38
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 39
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 40
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 41
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 42
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 43
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 44
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 45
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - 46
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - Cover3
Iowa Spring-Summer 2022 - Cover4