Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 11
Setraco Foods announces new CEO,
entry into ready-meal market
Erwin De Spiegeleire, Setraco Foods' newly appointed chief
executive officer.
new consumer demand for a variety of tastes, including more ethnic cuisine. Furthermore there's a
growing segment of consumers
who are strapped for time and
interested in healthier eating options - including eating less meat
and more seafood, he explained
- and ready-meals cater to those
trends, said Spiegeleire. Lofty
goals have been set by the importer-turned-processor, with the
company looking to reach a turnover of Eur 75 million (Usd 81.7
million) by 2021, and then Eur
100 million (Usd 109.1 million) by
2026. Given that in its best year,
Setraco achieved a turnover of
Eur 50 million (Usd 55 million),
and with negotiations currently
underway between the company
and investors to help finance future growth plans, Spiegeleire
believes the company's goals are
within reach.
Madelyn KEARNS
* Superior quality and taste
* Official recognition and protection of the Scottish origin
* Guarantee of freshness
* Full traceability
* Independent monitoring and certification
Stand 5-639
Superfood Peru brand launched
Seeking to convert seafood into
a larger driver of its economy,
the country of Peru announced
the launch of a new brand, Superfoods Peru, on the eve of the
2017 Seafood Expo Global. Peruvian Minister of Production Bruno
Giuffra Monteverde announced
the launch at a special event at the
Press Club of Brussels on Monday,
24 April. The launch is part of a
strategy to promote the country's
30-plus highly valued "superfoods," Giuffra said.
"Superfoods are part of a nutritious family that brings together
large quantities of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
We have already launched our super-grains, -fruits and -vegetables,
and are now proud to show our
diverse range of super-seafood to
the world," he said at the event.
Peru's fishing industry is currently
valued around USD 2 billion (Eur
1.86 billion), half of which is accounted for by fishmeal and fish
oil, and the other half by seafood
products for direct consumption,
Giuffra said. Peru is focusing the
seafood portion of its Superfoods
campaign around tuna, anchovies,
mackerel and horse mackerel - all
species identified to have high
levels of omega-3 fatty acids. The
Scottish Salmon
Setraco Foods' newly appointed
chief executive officer said he's
got big plans for the company
during a press conference on
Tuesday. CEO Erwin De Spiegeleire said the Belgium-based
company will be focusing on
emerging markets and ramping
up efforts to create and market
value-added seafood products in
the form of convenient, readymade meals. "We are [transforming] from initially being a leading
player in frozen fish and seafood
into being a leading player in frozen fish and seafood, and readymeals. That is going to be an
important change of direction,"
Spiegeleire said. Setraco has entered the ready-made meal market with its Cook's Pride brand,
which has been picked up by two
major retailers, one in Scandinavia and the other in Belgium. The
two contracts are expected to be
fulfilled in July and September
of this year, said Spiegeleire. The
company has increased production through expansion into a
new state-of-the-art facility at its
disposal. Asian, Indian, Western
European, Mediterranean and
South American cuisines are all
featured within the Cook's Pride
brand, which was crafted to meet
Label Rouge
Oméga 3 : Formidable schizochytrium !
Produire des oméga 3 pour la
salmoniculture à partir de la microalgue
schizochytrium, c'est possible. Le
producteur de saumon Lerøy, le
fabricant d'aliment aquacole BioMar
et le fournisseur d'ingrédients TerraVia
ont annoncé l'introduction d'AlgaPrime
DHA dans le menu des poissons.
Biomar a testé cet ingrédient en poudre
qui contient environ 30 % de DHA et
lancé la commercialisation d'aliment
saumon l'incorporant, à hauteur de
40 000 t depuis septembre 2016.
« Nous continuons à le tester
dans l'optique d'une substitution
complète à l'huile de poisson »,
signale Hans Halle-Knutzen, directeur
marketing et commercial de Biomar.
Schizochytrium est une microalgue
produite par fermentation industrielle
à partir de déchets de canne à sucre au
Brésil. AlgaPrime offre une alternative
durable à l'huile de poisson alors que
la pêche minotière atteint un palier.
Stand 5-601
Senior Peruvian officials launched a "Superfood Peru"
campaign on the first day of Seafood Expo Global.
campaign will also include hake,
mahi, octopus, scallops, trout,
squid, giant squid and paiche.
Europe is Peru's main export market, with the United States close
behind, and the market in China
developing rapidly. In the first two
months of 2017, Peru's total seafood exports rose by 131.6 percent compared to the same period in 2016, when El Niño took
a toll on the harvest. Production
has since dipped temporarily, as a
result of a coastal El Niño that is
affecting fishing and production,
especially in the country's north,
but it is anticipated that growth
will recover shortly.
"Peru harvests exceptional quality
seafood, and we are experiencing
the benefits of our attention to
detail in maintaining that quality
through the supply chain, Giuffra
said. Our producers look forward
to doing some brisk business at
Seafood Expo Global."
Stand 7-1749
Graham Ellis, vice président du développement, TerraVia,
Henning Beltestad, Pdg Lerøy et Jan Sverre Røsstad,
vice président de la division saumon, groupe BioMar.
Wednesday 26 April, 2017
Table des matières de la publication Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 1
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 2
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 3
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 4
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 5
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 6
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 7
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 8
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 9
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 10
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 11
Daily 2017 - 26 avril 2017 - 12