Daily 2018 - 26 avril 2018 - 6


Ensis Fisheries' building new tuna plant
A new Ensis Fisheries factory under development in the Maldives aims to provide a steady supply of fresh and canned
yellowfin and skipjack tuna to markets
in Europe and the United States.
The new zero-waste facility in Hulhumalé is expected to be completed
by the end of october 2018, Ensis General Manager Hussain Afeef said on
Wednesday, 25 April. Ensis is investing
USD 15 million (EUR 14.2 million) in the
plant, which when complete will handle
25 metric tons of raw material per day.
The facility will also have a cold storage
capacity of 1,500 metric tons, designed
to allow the company more capacity to
purchase tuna from local pole-and-line
fishermen in the Maldives, which Ensis
plans to turn into an increase in export
volumes. "The seafood industry in the
Maldives has been developing steadily
over the last 15 years, and Ensis is taking
the next step with this new facility, Afeef
said. It will be a game-changer." Ensis
is the largest tuna exporter in the Mal-

Ensis is investing in a new plant in the Maldives, which when complete will handle 25 metric tons of raw
material per day.

dives, with a more than 50 percent share
of the market. In total, the company exported 3,200 metric tons of fresh tuna
and an additional 1,500 tons of frozen
tuna in 2017, valued at USD 58 million
(EUR 47.6 million). France is the top
destination for tuna produced by Ensis,
receiving 35% of the company's total
production. Italy is second (19%) and
Germany is third (18%).
Sustainability credentials and freshness are the two qualities that differentiate tuna from the Maldives, Afeef said.
The Maldives' pole-and-line skipjack
tuna fishery has been certified as sustainable by MSC since 2012. Ensis will
also produce yellowfin tuna caught by
handline and pole-and-line at the new
facility. Pole-and-line fishing is the most
selective and most environmentally
sound method of fishing tuna, according to many sustainable fishing organizations, including the International Pole
and Line Foundation and Greenpeace.

GAA launches new Global Seafood Assurances venture
The Global Aquaculture Alliance facilitated the official launch of a new, independent not-for-profit organization,
Global Seafood Assurances (GSA), on
Wednesday, 25 April, during Seafood
Expo Global. The new venture will address marketplace expectations for assurance involving environmental responsibility, social responsibility, food safety,
and animal welfare for both farmed and
wild-caught seafood.  Assurances that
fall under the GSA umbrella will flow
from third-party certification programs
that have been benchmarked by a combination of the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI), Global Food Safety
Initiative (GFSI), and recognized social
compliance programs. Any certification
program that meets the aforementioned
criteria and "that chooses to be a part
of full supply-chain assurances for either
farmed or wild seafood" will be eligible
for GSA, GAA said in a press release.
The United Kingdom's Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) has signed a
memorandum of understanding with

GSA as a means to address a major gap
in fisheries certification. The terms of the
agreement will span from 1 May, 2018,
and conclude no later than 1 May, 2020,
Seafish said in a prepared statement. 
In support  of the MoU, GAA has established the nonprofit GSA Program,
"which will bring together a network
of standards to ensure all aspects of the
wild seafood supply chain are covered,
with the RFS a key standard in this new
suite," Seafish said. In turn, Seafish will
retain responsibility for the ongoing management and delivery of the RFS in the
U.K., as it works with GSA collaboratively
to develop the RFS standard to version
2, to ensure ILO 188 compliance. "We
are thrilled to have reached this agreement with the GAA and its new Global
Seafood Assurances Program. We are
confident that the Program will be able
to deliver and grow the RFS both in the
UK and on a global scale," Seafish CEO
Marcus Coleman said.
"GAA is honored to have been granted
this opportunity to work with Seafish and

our respective global partners to further
develop and implement credible vessel
standards, particularly as relates to labor
issues," added Wally Stevens, who will be
stepping away from his role as GAA's executive director to lead GSA. "We applaud
the good work which Seafish has led in
developing the RFS scheme and look to
see this program increasingly adopted
in the U.K., while using the program to
inform vessel standards development
around the world."
Other fisheries stakeholders around
the world will also be working with
GSA to develop new vessel standards
for social responsibility, GAA said.
"GSA is pleased with and will support
the contemplated formation of the Global Fisheries Alliance (GFA) as it takes
the lead role with developing international fishing vessel standards. The work
of GSA with RFS program should serve
to inform GFA on creating international
vessel standards," the GSA said in its
Madelyn KEARNS

"We are confident that the Program will be able to deliver and grow
the RFS both in the UK and on a global scale," Seafish CEO Marcus
Coleman said.

61-62 H4


Thursday 26 April, 2018

@H aropa por ts


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c u s t o m e r. s e r v i c e @ h a r o p a p o r t s . c o m


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