Discovering ❘ SPECIE BACKGROUND SHALLOW-WATER CAPE HAKE ❘ Merluccius capensis DR EN : Shallow-water Cape hake IT : Nasello del capo DE : Kaphecht PT : Pescada-da-África-do-sul ES : Merluza del Cabo NL : Zuidafrikaanseheek At the source } CHARACTERISTICS Shallow-water Cape hake is a species of the Merlucciidae family found in the south-eastern Atlantic. It has a large head, a first dorsal fin with 9 to 11 spines, a second longer dorsal fin with 38 to 42 spines, and an anal fin. Shallow-water Cape hake also has fairly long pectoral fins, reaching or exceeding the base of the anal fin. } HABITS Shallow-water Cape hake is found along the coasts of South Africa, Angola and Namibia at a depth of about 150 metres. } WORTH NOTING Shallow-water Cape hake (Merluccius Capensis) and deep-water Cape hake (Merluccius Paradoxus) are located in the same geographical area and are often fished at the same time. Shallow-water Cape hake swims closer to the surface than deep-water Cape hake. The two species are difficult to differentiate. } PRODUCTION Approximately 120,000 tons of hake (merluccius capensis and paradoxus) are caught annually by South African fisheries and 35% of these catches are MSC certified. The fisheries have been certified since 2004. } SEASON Available all year round. Shallow-water Cape hake spawns twice a year, in early summer and autumn. On the market } SIZE Average: 45 to 60 cm Maximum: 115 cm } NUTRITIONAL VALUES Per 100 g Calories: 71 kcal Lipids: 0.5 g Protein: 17 g Sodium: 0.13 g } YIELD 50 % 50 % Major producing countries : South Africa, Namibia, Angola. All the species on ❘ 140 ❘ PRODUITS DE LA MER N°200 APRIL-MAY 2020 :