America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 5

your problem. Likewise, marketing
and business development ideas are
always nice to have, but most advisors
prefer to rely on these relationships as
on-demand resources without giving
them a seat at the table.
If you're new to trust company
cooperation, that's an important way
to start thinking about how to structure
the relationship. You're the quarterback.
These are your clients. The trust officer
and other outside administrators come
in to consult on specialized questions,
but otherwise their involvement in the
day-to-day cycle is minimal. You don't
want them to get in your way. They
don't want to get in your way either.
The details are always in flux but a
good estate plan revolves around
eternal principles that have not
changed in the pandemic era and
beyond. When taxes have gone as low
as they can, every loophole becomes
more precious. Grab them before
they disappear. Lock them in. What
Congress gives, it also takes away.
What the IRS takes is gone forever.
On the verge of a recession, shield
assets from both volatility and public
view. You don't want your clients to
draw attention in an impoverished and
angry environment where lawsuits
trigger bankruptcy and vice versa.
And when mortality is especially
close, locking in directives to the next
generation gets more crucial with each
passing day. You can't do it when
you're dead.
When the pandemic hit, every investor
should have started reviewing the family
estate plans. Some advisors were
ready for each and every one of these
developments. They responded to
every crisis year with vigor and even a
little grace, helping their clients lock in
what they had before the world shifted.
Others were not so lucky. Systems they
thought would work on a hypothetical
basis crumbled under the load.
Partners couldn't scale up fast
enough to handle a sudden wave of
new business. They literally had to
turn money away in order to avoid
compromising on quality of service.
Conversations that should have
happened years ago kept getting
pushed back until, one way or another,
it was too late. The clients died, the
planning opportunities vanished,
relationships frayed and slipped away.
That's why we've argued, begged
and once in a while even tried to trick
the advisory community into opening
up to trust services over the years.
If you're reading this on paper, odds are good someone printed out a
copy just for you. We have never been thrilled with the speed of static
publishing or its ability to remain current in a fast-changing world. The
pandemic proved that something more dynamic was necessary.
You can use the old passive approach and monitor every AdvisorFriendly
Trust Company on our Digital Dashboard. The data will
update as fast as the companies themselves revise their numbers.
You'll also be able to review all their latest blog posts, white papers,
investor education materials and other content.
Or you can also set up your estate planning preferences. What are
your problems? What outside trust creation and trust administration
expertise do you want? Tell the automated assistant what you need.
It will find you a company that can help . . . and then set up a direct
conversation with the right person. No fuss. Reduced delays. Maximum
convenience. The future.

America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024

America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 1
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 2
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 3
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 4
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 5
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 6
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 7
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 8
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 9
America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 10
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America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2024 - 12
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