Wealth Advisor Magazine September 2024 Edition - 25

Former CEO of Orion
CEO of AssetMark
line everything from client onboarding
to performance reporting. Ayers'
practical tips for leveraging technology
to reduce operational costs while
improving service quality were likely
well received by advisors looking to
boost their bottom line.
The summit concluded with a
forward-looking presentation from
Jonathan Pincus, CEO of SMArtX Advisory
Solutions. Pincus focused on the
intersection of blockchain technology
and wealth management. " Blockchain
isn't just for cryptocurrencies, " Pincus
explained. " It's set to revolutionize
how we handle client data, execute
trades, and manage compliance. " He
demonstrated SMArtX's new blockchain-based
record-keeping system,
which promises to enhance security,
improve transparency, and reduce
costs for advisors and their clients.
Throughout the event, a common
thread emerged: the importance of
embracing technology to drive growth
and improve client outcomes. All six
leaders emphasized that staying ahead
of the technological curve is no longer
optional for advisors who want to
thrive in the coming years.
The summit also addressed pressing
industry challenges. Discussions
ranged from navigating regulatory
changes to adapting to shifting client
demographics. The leaders provided
concrete strategies for turning these
CEO of Orion
challenges into opportunities for
growth and differentiation.
One of the most valuable aspects of
the summit was the practical nature of
the advice offered. Attendees walked
away with actionable strategies they
could implement immediately to start
scaling their practices. From leveraging
AI for client segmentation to
implementing blockchain for enhanced
security, the summit covered a wide
range of tools and techniques designed
to drive AUM growth.
The event wasn't just about technology,
however. The human element of
wealth management was a recurring
theme. Leaders stressed the importance
of using technology to enhance,
rather than replace, the advisor-client
relationship. " Technology should free
you up to spend more time on what
really matters-understanding your
clients' hopes, dreams, and fears, " as
one speaker put it.
The 2024 TAMP Growth Summit set
a new standard for industry events. By
bringing together such a diverse and
accomplished group of TAMP leaders,
it provided a 360-degree view of the future
of wealth management. Attendees
left with not just inspiration but concrete
tools and strategies to transform
their practices.
As the wealth management industry
continues to evolve at a breakneck
pace, events like this summit become
CEO of Adhesion Wealth
increasingly crucial. They provide
advisors with the knowledge and tools
needed to stay ahead of the curve,
grow their AUM, and better serve their
" 'AI' isn't just a
buzzword. It's a
game changer
for advisors who
want to scale
efficiently. "
-Eric Clarke, Former CEO of Orion
The overwhelming success of this
year's summit suggests that future
summits will be must-attend events
for any advisor serious about growing
their practice and staying at the forefront
of the industry.
In an industry where knowledge is
power, the 2024 TAMP Growth Summit
proved to be a powerhouse of insights,
strategies, and innovations. It's clear
that the ideas shared at this event will
be shaping the wealth management
landscape for years to come.
SEPT/OCT 2024 | 25

Wealth Advisor Magazine September 2024 Edition

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Wealth Advisor Magazine September 2024 Edition

Wealth Advisor Magazine September 2024 Edition - 1
Wealth Advisor Magazine September 2024 Edition - 2
Wealth Advisor Magazine September 2024 Edition - 3
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