Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Skier Information 1. 2. Photocopy the Post Accident Ski Equipment Inspection Form on the following page. Recorded information should be printed clearly. All information and test results should be factual and complete. Mistakes should be corrected and initialed. Mark all appropriate spaces. If information is unknown or does not apply, the appropriate space should be so marked. Skier information should be taken from the workshop retail or rental form. Accident and injury information should be taken from the ski patrol accident report (if available). Equipment Inspection/Tests 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Testing Information 1. 2. Refer to the latest Marker Technical Manual for standardized boot sole information. Inspections on equipment should be conducted " as is. " Inspections of binding adjustments should be in accordance with recommendations outlined in the latest Marker Technical Manual. System visual inspections should be in accordance with recommendations outlined in the latest Marker Technical Manual. The mechanical testing device should be properly calibrated and operated in the manner recommended by the device manufacturer. Equipment should be tested to the " In-Use Torque Range " . Mechanical tests should be conducted on the equipment " as is. " Test results should be recorded in Newton meters, not merely " pass " or " fail. " The " Inspection Technician " should be a current Marker Certified Technician. The report should be reviewed, signed and dated by the shop manager. 169 18.6 APPENDIX- POST ACCIDENT INFORMATION & EQUIPMENT INSPECTION FORM